DF65 Winter Series at Fleetwood Model Yacht Club - Week 1
by Tony Wilson 26 Oct 2018 18:02 BST
20 October 2018

DF65 Winter Series at Fleetwood week 1 © Tony Wilson
A prompt midday start was the new time for the Winter series Dragon Force 65 at Fleetwood, unless you were still tinkering with your boat or you were just a bit late and missed the first couple of races.
John was one of the late stragglers, but straight into business on the second race when he hit a home run to steal one from Garry.
The initial wind direction was from the road, so a diagonal line across the lake was the start line and to sail in a clockwise direction around a course of five marks for a two and a half lap race.
We had only two competitors rigged with the new A plus sail and they seemed to be doing best most of the time, but not always from the well attended fleet of twelve skippers. Maybe others are thinking on the lines, "do I really need that additional sail?"
John aborted another race just before lunchtime as his jib decided to let loose, and he was joined along with Ken as his winch line tangled and left him unable to sail for the rest of the day.
Five races were had up to coffee break time and all the while the wind was creeping around to the favoured down the lake direction for a new start line. The strength only increased or decreased by a couple of miles an hour to put either of the sail sizes sometimes at a better advantage or disadvantage either way.
Ken decided to take over race recorder duties and was nicely perched half way along the lake on one of the new benches and sometimes collared by some passer-by and questioned into the understanding of how the boats work.
We were all very well-behaved, but sometimes could have benefited with the expertise of Derek with the rules of the road and when you have rights to luff or not to luff.
It was a was very good afternoon of close racing and well attended even if we only had half the squadron out to play; imagine if all turned up. And remember if you're an outsider you are always welcome to come and have a sail as a guest, or with advance notice we may be able to reserve the club boat for you.
Ten races was the target but then we added an extra as everyone still had a bit of reserve gas in the tank.
The days winner was Garry B and in a deserved second place was John and still on stock 'A' sail.
1. Garry Benson 9 pts
2. John Plant 21 pts
3. Bob Jolly 24 pts
Next one will be for the Dragon Flight 95 and more than likely the new start again of midday. Please double-check on the clubs website for any additional amendments: fleetwoodmypbc.org.uk