D-One Calendar of Events for 2019
by Giles Chipperfield 5 Dec 2018 21:19 GMT

D-One European Championship at Santa Margherita, Italy © Bianca Roccatagliata
What a great 2018!
The D-One has had a great year, with the biggest Gold Cup ever in Austria, a rejuvenated Italian fleet among the 9 nations at the Europeans in Liguria, and international travelling D-One sailors made very welcome at events in Czech Republic, Great Britain, Switzerland and France.
It was wonderful to join such a friendly circuit in such great places, and thank you again to those who put the events together.
...so here is the Calendar for 2019
The same great people - and some new ones - have put together a set of events for 2019. We have tried to make sure they do not clash dates, and, obviously, are in fantastic sailing locations.
The main events are the Champagne Gold Cup on the Lac de Der in France in June, and the European Championships in Switzerland's best wine region in September. Fantastic sailing locations with excellent wine, we should have said.
For the full listing, and details of all these events click the event name on www.d-oneassociation.org
Many sailors in 2018 visited D-One regattas in other countries, often as part of travel to the major championships or just to make a good holiday. We hope that this will continue, and every event has a contact address you can use to find out anything you need to plan your trip.
We know there are other events still being organised. If anyone has any events they wish to add to the calendar then please contact us via the website.
- ESP - D-One Winter Training (1), Palamos Sun. 20 Jan, 2019 - Fri. 25 Jan, 2019
- ESP - D-One Winter Training (2), Palamos Sun. 17 Feb, 2019 - Fri. 22 Feb, 2019
- GBR - Oxford SC Sat. 6 Apr, 2019 - Sun. 7 Apr, 2019
- ITA - Open Italian Championship, RapalloFri. 10 May, 2019 - Sun. 12 May, 2019
- GBR - POSHat. 11 May, 2019 - Sun. 12 May, 2019
- FRA - Gold Cup - Lac de Der, Fri. 7 Jun, 2019 - Mon. 10 Jun, 2019
- FRA - Monteynard Open Skiff Trophy Sat. 15 Jun, 2019 - Sun. 16 Jun, 2019
- CZE - National Championship, Lake Lipno Sat. 15 Jun, 2019 - Sun. 16 Jun, 2019
- AUT - Wolfgangseepreis (Austrian Open) Fri. 21 Jun, 2019 - Sun. 23 Jun, 2019
- GBR - Lymington Regatta Sat. 13 Jul, 2019 - Sun. 14 Jul, 2019
- GBR - National Championship, South Shields Fri. 9 Aug, 2019 - Sun. 11 Aug, 2019
- SUI - European Championships, Lac Biel, Thu. 12 Sep, 2019 - Sun. 15 Sep, 2019
- AUT - DAttersee Trophy Sat. 28 Sep, 2019 - Sun. 29 Sep, 2019
...with Training (optional...)
Training days were popular in 2018 for those at every level, and many of our 2019 events will have an optional training day beforehand.
For those who cannot wait for their sun and sailing, Stefan Hess is organising winter training at Palamos in Spain, which will be a good start for those already thinking of the Gold Cup in Palamos in 2020.
...and charter boats will be available
We are delighted to confirm that Devoti srl will once again be offering and supporting up to four charter boats for the international events. First reserved, first served, but this is a very good way to join in without too much time travelling, or to bring your friends to try it out without buying a boat first. Why not invite a friend?
Please contact Viktor Teply on for more information and to reserve your charter boat.
Full details of events will be updated on www.d-oneassociation.org and on www.facebook.com/DOneAssociation as they become available. Do come and join us.
Happy Christmas - buon Natale - Frohe Weihnachten - Boldog Karácsonyt - veselé Vánoce - joyeux Noel