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Easter Series at Leigh-on-Sea Sailing Club and Essex Yacht Club

by Steve Corbet 25 Apr 2019 12:57 BST 19-22 April 2019

The warm Easter weekend weather encouraged the largest turnout at Leigh on Sea for the combined Leigh-on Sea SC and Essex YC Easter Series, 56 boats from 15 different classes, 14 Laser Radials and 15 Solos being the largest.

The Leigh boats racing for the Nippy Walker Memorial Bowel and the Essex boats racing for the Easter Tin Mug. The clubs have combined dinghy racing for several years to avoid clashes between fleets sharing the same part of the Thames Estuary.

The Good Friday race around one of the new for 2019 courses saw the Solos take the first four places on handicap with Cass Monk first followed by Jonny Wells. The lone ISO Cath George and RS100 John Charles were first home on the water but both failed to hold on when the corrected times were calculated.

On Saturday the wind decided that it would go on holiday after a 45 min postponement the race officer started the race, a few boats found a zephyr at the offshore end of the line, but most of the fleet struggled to make progress against the tide. Eventually a Force 2 sea breeze developed and allowed most of the boats to start racing. The sole Estuary OD (the rest of the fleet were still ashore being readied for the season) sailed by Brian Wells found the best of the breeze and managed to finish close behind the ISOs of Nick Veitch and Cath George. Overall the Estuary OD was first with the Solos of Jonny Wells and Russell Tredgett second and third.

Sunday saw a better breeze for the start, first home was an ISO sailed by George Chambers, but he failed to hold his handicap as the Estuary OD sailed by Brian Wells was again first after the corrected times were calculated. George was second overall with Rob Tothill in a Solo third.

Easter Monday sailed around another of the new courses was won by Brian Wells in the Estuary OD holding his handicap behind the winners on the water ISOs sailed by George Chambers and Nick Veitch. John Charles in his RS100 had his best race of the weekend to take second overall with Johnny Wells Solo third overall.

After a weekend of great sailing Brian Wells won the EYC Easter Tin Mug, the Nippy Walker Bowl went to Rob Tothill. The next sailing at Leigh / Essex will be the 6 race May Day Bank Holiday regatta hopefully with similar weather and as many or even more boats taking part.

Overall Results:

PosFleetDivisionClassSail NoHelmCrewClubPYEaster 1Easter 2Easter 3Easter 4Pts
1stHcapTin MugEstuary104Brian Wells EYC1070(DNC)1113
2ndSoloTin MugSOLO3903Jonny Wells EYC114322‑437
3rdSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3904Rob Tothill LSC1143373‑813
4thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3987Matt Tothill LSC11434‑95OOD13.5
5thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3983Cass Monk LSC1143110(OCS)516
6thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3875Charlie Baynes LSC11436(DSQ)7720
7thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL107065NIck Veitch EYC11457‑116922
8thHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL3021Anna Brown EYC12408‑20.511423
9thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL204714Darren Taylor EYC11455129‑1426
10thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL142204Dave McKincrik EYC1145116‑181128
11thHcapNippy Walker BowlRS 100 8.4122John Charles LSC1004‑151512.5229.5
12thHcapNippy Walker BowlGP1414179Steve CorbetLiz NobletLSC1130OOD14(DNC)630
13thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3355Tony Handfield LSC1143OOD814‑2533
14thHcapTin MugIso8Cath Googe EYC922165(OCS)1536
15thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3886Russel Tredgett LSC114326310(DNC)39
16thHcapTin MugIso1197Nick Veitch EYC922(DNC)4161939
17thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL192991Alex Pilgrim EYC11459‑18171844
18thHcapTin MugRS VISION596Simon LaurenceJim RichardsonEYC11371213‑252146
19thHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL2764Dave Veitch EYC124018‑25241052
20thHcapTin MugTopaz Race962Jane Starkey EYC1200‑3217231757
21stSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3648Nick Range LSC1143231919(DNC)61
22ndSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3948Tim Wright LSC1143221626(DNC)64
23rdHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL95565  EYC114519(DNF)202968
24thHcapTin MugTopaz Race11958Max Starkey EYC120027(DNF)212472
25thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL186706Andrea Stenhouse EYC114517(DSQ)312775
26thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL143568Terry Levy EYC1145‑2820.5272875.5
27thHcapTin MugTopaz Uno1864  EYC12401327DSQ(DNC)77
28thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3802Dave Braun LSC1143(DNC)DNF8OOD78
29thHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL496  EYC1240(DNC)22323286
30thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL174121Tom Archard EYC114529(DNF)303190
31stSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3587Jonathan Moore LSC114321(DNC)12.5DNC90.5
32ndHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL173510Joss Onion EYC114514(DNC)DNC2091
33rdSoloTin MugSOLO3997Dave Purnell EYC114325DNF(DNC)2392
34thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL151295Giles Starkey EYC114520DNS(DNC)3094
35thHcapTin MugTopaz Unox1  EYC1240(DNC)30DNC16103
36thHcapTin MugTopaz Uno958Grace Levy EYC124010DNF(DNC)DNC111
37thHcapTin MugTopaz Uno495  EYC12403124(DNC)DNC112
38thHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL1526  EYC1240(DNC)2829DNC114
39thHcapTin MugIso1167George Chambers EYC922(DNC)DNC2DNC116
40thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL160521James Brooker EYC114530(DNC)DNC34121
41stHcapTin MugTopaz Uno951Dave Googer EYC1240(DNC)DNFDNC22123
42ndHcapNippy Walker BowlSOLO3429  LSC1143(DNC)DNCDNC12126
43rdHcapNippy Walker BowlLASER140037Chris Brookes LSC1098(DNC)DNCDNC13127
44thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL144283  EYC1145(DNC)DNC15DNC129
45thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO5719  LSC1143(DNC)DNC22DNC136
46thHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL2791  EYC1240(DNC)23DNCDNC137
47thHcapTin MugRS TERA PRO1966Toby Brown EYC135924(DNC)DNCDNC138
48thHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL187614  EYC1145(DNC)DNCDNC26140
49thHcapTin MugVIBE5551  EYC1185(DNC)26DNCDNC140
50thSoloNippy Walker BowlSOLO3325  LSC1143(DNC)DNC28DNC142
51stHcapTin MugRS FEVA XL4071  EYC1240(DNC)29DNCDNC143
52ndHcapNippy Walker BowlVORTEX1180Nick Barnard LSC914(DNC)DNCDNC33147
53rdHcapTin MugLASER RADIAL183937Andy Middleton EYC1145(DNC)DNC33DNC147
54thHcapTin MugTopaz Uno1836  EYC1240(DNC)DNFDNCDNC158
54thHcapTin MugTopaz Uno956  EYC1240(DNC)DNFDNCDNC158
54thHcapTin MugTAZ8179  EYC1550(DNC)DNFDNCDNC158

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