British Moth open meeting at Fishers Green Sailing Club
by Godfrey Clark 25 Jun 2019 10:42 BST
22 June 2019

British Moth open meeting at Fishers Green © Tim Gummer
Owing to another open event being cancelled at short notice a small group of British Moths deferred their open meeting to Fishers Green SC on Saturday 22 June. With the sun sparkling on the water all day and a light wind of 5-10 knots throughout the day it was a day's sailing not to be missed.
The forecast south-westerly breeze gave an ideal upwind leg from the far corner of the lake which made for a simple figure-of-eight course. Andy Mathews, coming all the way from Chew Valley, established an early lead but was chased home by Richard Keefe, who went on to win the second race.
The course was used for the two morning races but during lunch the wind had backed substantially to the east and the course had to be re-set. Again a true, albeit shifty beat was set which kept everyone on their toes trying to get the best windshifts.
Andy, again was the man to beat despite being chased hard at times by Richard, but some good local scraps developed further back in the group and a tie developing for third place overall. This small 'explorer' fleet really enjoyed the day at FGSC and have made the decision to return as a planned event next season.