Royal Lymington Yacht Club Junior Regatta 2019 - Preview
by Vicky Leen 14 Jul 2019 15:25 BST
5-9 August 2019

Looking forward to the Royal Lymington Yacht Club Junior Regatta © RLymY
Building confidence is a key focus at this year's Royal Lymington Yacht Club (RLymYC) Junior Regatta (August 5-9). A new programme on and off the water will help build the confidence of younger less experienced sailors in the Scow and Bronze fleets (beginner Optimists). Racing for the Gold and Silver fleets will remain competitive and challenging.
Younger sailors typically 8-10 years old, will benefit from more qualified instructors out on the water focused on improving their confidence and sailing skills in 'race conditions'. As well as fun and games on the water the young sailors will benefit from shore side coaching on various topics including the secrets of sailing in strong winds, how to get the best start and, how not to get into a protest situation. This year the regatta will include a 'Swallows and Amazons' passage race mid-week for all abilities to enjoy sailing, games and a picnic.
Lymington's local community Junior Regatta has a well-deserved reputation for developing young sailors in a fun environment. These sailors can expect challenging racing in 2019.
Online regatta entries opened on 8th July, enter here; This year there is a 10% sibling discount for families and an early bird offer of entry fee and sweatshirt.
The age limit for the Gold fleet is under 19 on the first day of the regatta, for all other fleets the age limit is under 17 years old on the first day of the regatta. If you would like to sail in at the RLymYC Junior Regatta but don't have a crew or a helm, there will be a list at the Club looking for sailing partners.
The Royal Lymington Yacht Club, Lymington Town Sailing Club, Keyhaven Sailing Club, the Lymington Sea Scouts and a host of volunteers all work together to make this event happen lending equipment and offering help. With up to 150 volunteers needed, the event asks every competitor's family to give some time to help the event.
Junior Regatta 2019 will be single-use plastic free to support the reduction of plastic in the ocean. Plastic straws, cup, bags and bottles are banned. Volunteers and competitors should bring their own refillable water bottles and reusable lunch bags. All sailors will be reminded not to throw anything into the Solent and prevent loose items from blowing overboard
For more information please go to, email or telephone RLymYC on 01590 6726777.