Boat Fix partners with Sea Pro Boats
by Andrew Golden 1 Oct 2019 08:32 BST

Boat Fix partners with Sea Pro Boats © Andrew Golden
Boat Fix, the 24/7 marine customer service company, announced today that it has partnered with Sea Pro Boats, legendary center console saltwater fishing boat manufacturer to provide a substantially enhanced owner experience – Sea Pro Connect Powered by Boat Fix. Under the new agreement, Sea Pro will include as standard on every 2020 model year boat a free Boat Fix tracking device, installation and 12 months of 24/7 customer service.
“This is an absolute game changer,” said Jimmy Hancock, president, Sea Pro Boats. “We’ve always believed our customers deserve the best and we know that our partnership with Boat Fix will deliver just that, providing the ultimate in peace of mind and overall boating experience.
“We are delighted to partner with Sea Pro,” said Alastair Crawford, CEO of Boat Fix. “Sea Pro Boats is a forward-looking company that really cares about their customers. Together, we will ensure new Sea Pro owners optimize their enjoyment on the water, secure in the knowledge that Boat Fix is watching over their investment around the clock.”
The Boat Fix system provides 24/7/365 remote monitoring of all vital functions of a boat—such as battery, bilge pump, shore power and engine hours. If a problem occurs with any of a vessel’s vital components, an alert is immediately sent to a Boat Fix 24/7 Advisor, as well as the Boat Fix phone app where end users can see exactly what is happening. Additionally, Boat Fix provides free and unlimited 24/7 telephone support for all technical and mechanical problems. Boat Fix mechanics are immediately available around the clock to help with engine problems over the phone.
For more information on the Boat Fix solution, visit