Snipe Open at Erith Yacht Club
by Sarah mees 4 Jul 2006 18:01 BST
1-2 July 2006

Guy Welch and Alison Brannon at the Erith Snipe open © Helen Pethers
Over a splendid weekend of brilliant sunshine and winds on 2-3 International Snipes gathered for the first dedicated EYC Snipe Open for 10 years. Race Officer Graham Campbell was able to set olympic style courses in the open reach of the tidal Thames that Erith Yacht club so treasure.
A clean start to the first race set the order for the finish, a capsize for 28384 (Mees/Feddersen) was the only change to the order of finishers.
Race 2 following back to back followed the almost the same pattern - Welch/Brannon just pipped at the post. This time EYC team Banner/Reeves (youth) showed dry capsize drill. Competitors were able to come ashore watch the World Cup.
After a pleasant social evening, Sunday's racing started with 9 boats vying for the line. Another clean start with some tussling for 2nd position, the Welch/Brannon team again showing their consistent skills.
Race 4 found 2 Snipes larking in the Thames mud, freeing just in time. The Gregory team righted themselves quickly after a show piece capsize. Newcomers in Chilli Pepper (EYC) did well to finish shortly behind the pack. Williams/Marshall won all 4 races, 1st EYC boat Banner/Reeves (Also 1st youth) and 1st placed married couple Guy and Alison, Snipe 27106.
Overall Results:
Pos | Sail No | Helm | Crew | Club | Pts |
1st | 30316 | | Alan Williams | Richard Marshall | Budworth/Maldon | 3 |
2nd | 29611 | Basil | SueRoberts | Mike Kerr | Blue Circle | 9 |
3rd | 27106 | | Guy Welch | Alison Brannon | Blackwater SC | 13 |
4th | 28451 | Andromeda | Brian Gregory | Diana/Ian Gregory | Blue Cricle | 14 |
5th | 27329 | Opus | John White | Jeremy Michell | Brightlingsea/Erith | 20 |