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2019 J/24 World Championship at Miami, Florida - Overall

by Julie & Christopher Howell 27 Oct 2019 05:43 GMT 19-26 October 2019

Keith Whittemore's Furio entered the final two races of the 41st J/24 World Championship with a nine-point advantage, and quickly slammed the door on the competition by dominating race nine of 10. With crew Shelby Milne, Willem Van Waay, Mark Rodgerd and Brian Thomas, the Seattle-based team has been crowned 2019 J/24 World Champions, topping 78 other eager competitors in Miami, FL.

Following their bullet to start Saturday, long-time J/24 sailor Whittemore placed eighth in the final contest, five notches better than his closest challenger Rossi Milev's Clear Air. Although 2017 J/24 World Champion Milev placed second behind Whittemore in Saturday's first match, Furio was able to cover in race 10 to officially clinch victory with 41 points to Milev's 57. Chris Stone's Velocidad assembled an impressive Championship for third place (66 points).

Whittemore's highest finish in prior World Championships was third, and he has been a bridesmaid at more than one major Championship. Five J/24 World Champion helmsmen were among this fleet, and Whittemore smiled, saying, "Being able to beat those guys feels really, really, really good!" He added, "Today was scary. When we drove down, we said we really need to win the first race, so the second race isn't a complete mess." The plan worked perfectly when Furio started at the pin, and got a header. "We could cross everybody. We were frankly gone at that point and extended our lead. We'd struggled up every first beat of every race. That was the first time where something happened, and we said this is going to be really good!"

The IJCA also awarded its perpetual trophies:

  • Jaeger Women's Trophy to Erica Spencer, Sea Bags Women's Sailing Team, USA
  • Under-25 Turner Trophy to Matthew Miranda, Team Outrageous on the Kelly Holmes-Moon Grant Boat, USA
Seventy-nine teams from 19 nations (Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, Great Britain, Grenada, Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Trinidad and Tobago, and the United States) completed 10 races from October 22-26.

Overall Results:

PosBow NoSail NoYacht NameSkipper / CrewR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
178  USA 5325FurioKeith Whittemore / Shelby Milne / Willem Van Waay / Mark Rodgerd / Brian Thomas43733321121841
262  CAN 5362Clear AirRossi Milev / Mark Goodyear / Victor Diaz de Leon / Vince Somoza / Jeremy Edwards1614131611621357
376  USA 5476VelocidadChristopher Stone / Mike Marshall / Pat O'Connor / Billy Perkins / Brian Kamilar524144726581766
453  USA 5443NautalyticsMike Ingham / Quin Schwenker / Justin Coplan / Max Holzer / Marianna Schoke214397851449568
551  USA 5237HoneybadgerTravis Odenbach / Patrick Wilson / Scott Nixon / Collin Kurby / Chad Atkins2219195918115178
625  CAN 4025LiftedEvan Petley‑Jones / Peter Soosalu / Matt Soosalu / Ben Maloney / Shawn Kaiser1216296535493993
710  BRA 37BruschettaMauricio Santa Cruz / Daniel Santiago / Fernando Tovar Gioia / Alex Saldanha / Fernando Costa De Souza27UFD1120108916395
899  USA 799Angel of HarlemRobby Brown / Mark Liebel / Martin Koleman / Steve Liebel / Ron Hyatt712329RET23687297
935  USA 5235BuckarooWill Welles / Jeff Linton / Erik Rexsford / Chris Morgan / Monica Morgan13241321614132194105
1058  USA 58bangor packetTony Parker / William Bomar / James Niblock / Zeke Horowitz / Ross Dierdorff1516222717242525117
1123  USA 3223Spoony TacticsTodd Fedyszyn / Chris Stocke / Jackson Benvenutti / Catherine Hamman / Genoa Fedyszyn33322111342222246136
1226  JPN 4085FoxKeiji Kondo / Wataru Kondo / Kazuhiro Kahara / Shiraishi Junichiro / Takeshi Koga64311529BFD7292414168
1350  JPN 5450Gekko DianaKohei Ichikawa / Shunsube Mori / Hirohisa Kojima / Tushiki Imai / Keisuke Tomamoto / Mika Yamashita704516431318151133185
141  GER 5316Hungriger WolfFabian Damm / Thorsten Paech / Jonas Lyssewski / Moritz Boeoek / Jannik Duehren1165234363016132331187
153  ARG 5499ElvisNicolas Cubria / Mario Cubria / Hernan Cubria / Fernando Bertrand / Martha Parker31112147202619261818190
1639  GER 5475JJONEDaniel Frost / Timo Chorrosch / Felix Leupold / Jeronimo Landauer / Daniel Schwarze17981716BFDBFD32916195
1749  JPN 5449GekkoTokuma Takesue / yudai ishiyama / takafumi miyamoto / chieko saito / masunobu matsushita / hiroaki matsuyama602844101963402036206
1838  JPN 5185SiestaNobuyuki Imai / Daichi Wada / Yasuhiro Okamoto / Kiseki Yoshii / Fumia Kato24SCPBFD27231257217206
1937  HUN 37Orange BlossomBalazs Tomai / gabor nagy / robert sarina / marton munka / balazs goldi7622241838437231528209
2030  USA 1530Mr. HankeyAndrew Carey / Steph Helms / James Barnash / Spencer Howe / John Enwright1830213UFD3338273119211
2169  JPN 4886LullSumiyo Kaneko / haruhito yamazaki / urara fujii / fumihiro machiyama/kouhei kudo / hideyuki kitagawa / hiroshi murakami337564435928341310213
2287  USA 5287Helly HansenJohn Mollicone / Paul Abdullah / Tim Healy / Matt Coughlin / Dan Rabin34424038UFD132101430223
2365  USA 2365Baba LouieMark Laura / Lance McDonough / Kurt Danmeier / Nick Turney / Melanie Edwards8213445271743202727224
2457  USA 5257Mental FlossAidan Glackin / Kris Werner / Bruce Nash / Stave Jackson / Eemon Glackon57136254112910211026231
2571  GBR 4271Wind MonkeyDavid Cooper / Paul Williams / Izzy Savage / Dave Hale / Ian Parkinson212726914SCP422835RDG233.3
2675  USA 3775BlitzAl Constants / Steve Constants / Michael Constants / Dave Hemman / David Constants19UFD1536222841311234238
2796  JAM 3696Main SqueezeEamonn Delisser / Patty Amaducci / Tim Banks / Danielle September / Ed Cabassa4470358391825194522255
2811  USA 3750SISUJay Greenfield / Max Lopez / John Goldberry / Patrick Murphy / TBD37531259321112302642255
2983  USA 5183EvitaSteve Shaw / Tim Porter / Geoffrey Becker / Evan West / Danny Lawless261532165231153248RET267
3045  GBR 4265MadeleineDuncan McCarthy / Steve Phelphs / Rob Clarke / ANdrew Taylor / Hanna McCarthy50415757242029161615268
3127  MEX 4029Monster FishKenneth Porter / Gerrit Neil Vandermerch / Daniel Banos / Francis Hawley / Camila Stepehnson36732725UFD1527363211282
3247  CAN 3935TerrapinMichael Howarth / Julian Howarth / Olliver Hanley / Spencer Obrian / Benjamin Gravelle28581835122544RET4223285
3322  USA 5471Tremendous SlouchScott Milne / Thomas Niccoli / Jim Barrett / Harry Durseh / Rob Green16293337373230413937290
3446  USA 4202RedlineMike Stasko / Austin Zauner / Gavin Smith / Dean Grandcelli / Kile McGraw3018206315DNC21455646314
3532  USA 1132SpoilSportStuart Challoner / Brian Taborda / Barbara Gold / Steve Lopez / Ben McAndrews59593165174345182220314
3668  USA 2785YouRegattaCarter White / Molly WHite / Ted Widele / Michael McCallister / Chris Lombardo98RET2447223217RETDNC319
3772  SWE 4896Front RunnerPer‑Håkan Persson / Peter Nielsen / Monica Persson / Ellie Harding / Per Andersson64741751213833RDG2835327.1
3856  USA 5356JackwagonPeter Sauer / Alex Simanis / Joe Wernan / Elishia Vanluven4010968445252354047329
3981  GER 5208BogusStefan Karsunke / Brad Braddon / Hauke Kruss / Carsten Kerschies / Jens Tschentscher58376675433720144912336
4036  USA 2736BoreasFinn Hadlock / Eliza Price / Emmet Todd / Anna Parker / Griffin Primeau39315462251947493044338
4184  USA 54842Dan Busch / Corine Sachett / Rob Rauf / Rick Pokerny / Eric Wiedeae54404823284751394421341
4221  GRN 4167Die HardRobbie Yearwood / Matt Venotte / Neil Hutchinson / Augustus Reader / Holly Trew38685256264140424324362
4341  USA 4242MotorhomeMark Soya / Rob Evans / Mimi Evans / Bernard Soya / Ian Solum71343866544523BFD1729377
4493  CAN 3729A‑saltEdmond Rees / Rakesh Patel / Paul Chouinard / Eliot Rees / Daniel Sheedy20449194967BFD5538RET381
4585  USA 2185The DumpsterFrank Keesling / Jereme Mase / Mike Earl / Eric Fause / Vivian Keesling53393048304448505145385
4673  USA 1208Rumming On EmptyRyan Lashaway / Olivia Lashaway / Pete Danulewich / Beth Shnioke / Jim Herold32472842656256463740390
4759  BAR 2420Bunga BungaCharles Gloumeau / Cyril Lecrenay / Jason Tindale / Roderick Mascoll / Allan Jason Trotter72726872401024333651406
4834  USA 3734Miss ConductJames Freedman / Chris Corley / Angel Shellenberger / Mike Lefebure / Tyler Bullard45523777344654563448406
4940  CAN 4140TazNick Jako / Tom Oliver / Samantha Webster / Mike Masnsfield / Amy Abraise473559403151BFD485249412
5028  PUR 2928UrayoGilberto Rivera / Marco Teixidor / Francisco Velez / Pablo Beale / Jaime Balzac10493634416146BFDBFD57414
5120  GER 5420RotopfauLars Haeger / Maike Hass / Magnus Joensson / Anders Berg / Martin Peterson67647022465534385339418
5277  GBR 4177ChaoticNick Phillips / Tom Monty / Annie Lush / Cara Phillips / Matt Hardy / Sandra Hardy4350737072136DSQ46RET426
5318  USA 2918Sea Bags Women's Sailing TeamErica Spencer / Joy Martin / Hilary Noble / Katie Drake / Emily Carville / Karen Fallon23465358595657445732426
5415  MEX 5265CaspianJorge Castillo / Guillermo Parodi / German Silbermann / Luiz Alvarez / Tomas Rosenseld566146334539356061DSQ436
5555  USA 5008Usual SuspectsDavid Breitner / dougan Buffinton / John Gray / Paul Jacobs3532RET501840635960DNC437
5643  USA 423Grant BoatMatthew Miranda / Eric Johnson / John Brendel / Joe Plisic / Sophia Henn66175152624958544752442
572  USA 240Shake n BakeDaniel Cameron / Steve Thomas / Bryan Cameron / Kevin Morgan / Ted Plendge4651028UFD36RETDNSDNCDNC445
5824  GBR 4248MajicJames Torr / George Watson / Hamish Mcilwee / Harry Willett / James Randall52484255674831BFD6438445
5952  USA 5277Evil OctopusJasper Van Vliet / John Pytlak / Steve Meyers / Jessica Ludy48386941515762534155446
6082  USA 3215Carpe DiemChristopher Fischer / Brian Simkins / Casey Firth / Will Harris / Larry Murphy142643305653RETDNS65RET447
6161  CAN 1964Drivers WantedTed Bartlewski / Irek Zubko / RObert Burek / Macheck Sadowski414453261RET615768DNC449
6229  USA 1829CCS Water WomenAmy Woodard / Gina Shan / Katie Johnson / Margaux Bacro‑Duverger / Wendy McKenzie / Mary Corbett427147394824RETDNS5953463
6348  TTO 1948AmBush TooStephen Bushe / Matthew Mungal / Andrew Affoo / William Bushe / Philipp Archie75516474583439SCP3360469
645  USA 2260Level PelicanCrisp McDonald / Catherine Bost / Ervin Grove / Megan Place / James Howard49204567DNSRET59476643476
6560  GBR 4245Unity letsMatthew Conyers / jackie Hayle / Joe Cross / Simon Dinger / Carole Dinger77256361535064515854479
6667  USA 267BadMoonChristopher Holmes / David Hayslip / Johanna Holmes / Dave Lornet / Victoria Hielscher29554149636868DNS6956498
6780  HUN 5280JingeNorbert Farago / Imre Scholtz / Laszlo Gyorgy Kiska / Mate Szabo / Norbert Farago68UFD251257DNFBFD3762BFD501
6812  USA 1858SabotageSeth Rosenthal / Ben Givens / Stephan Antworth / Chris Jackson / Beau Pelayouyade62605076686053525058513
6966  GBR 4266Flying ColoursWilliam Pollock / Bruce Voss / Tilo Pape / Viv Allen / Lorna Graham51546731426360BFD71RET519
704  JPN 4459HangoverMasato Iizuka / Hiroshi Higashi / Yoshiyuki Katsura / Hiroyuki Kinoshita / Satoshi Morikawa25626553716466BFD7063539
7144  AUS 5058WildfireRon Thomson / Doug McGregor / Jo Barnes / Rory Groves / Jordan Sunkel‑Lozell6523717950DSQ5043RETDNC541
7263  AUS 4464Two DogsJack Fullerton / Ramzey El Hila / Megan Aulich / Anssi Paatero / Anthony Moore78756178605849585561555
7354  CAN 5254CAN 5254Nathan Bresett / Lisa Bresett / Tom Nelson / Richard West5569RET60696967626750568
7417  KOR 7777Summer SantaGyeongwon Jo / Changsoo Ryu / Jinho‑Lee / Kidong Park / Donghee LeeDSQUFD5846666555BFD6359572
7531  JPN 5317JellyfishYoichi Matsumoto / Satoshi Watanabo / Shohei Koide / Shuichi Iida / Takeshi Kasuga73666069647165615462572
7614  USA 2314ZiaPatrick Frisch / Lori Dillard / David Rech / Ernesto Mendoza / Zach Segal615755645559BFD63DNCDNC574
7716  AUS 5333J ForceWarren Campbell / James Campbell / Paul Field / David Bailey / Maddie Linton63637426RETDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC626
7864  CHI 5464Team ValdiviesoMiguel Salinas / Fernando Gonzalez / Felipe Molinas / Estevan Ruiz / Patty Bryan743672737070BFDRET72DNC627

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