Fund Raising for RNLI at Swords Sailing & Boating Club
by Patrick Wodhams 3 Dec 2019 11:54 GMT
1 December 2019

Fund Raising for RNLI at Swords Sailing & Boating Club © SSBC
There was a presentation made to Howth RNLI Dublin, Ireland, from a nearby sailing club always keen to support this excellent service.
Funds were raised by club members throughout the year. Starting with a New Year's Day sail and hot toddys, followed by the annual club quiz and the club open day.
Swords Sailing & Boating Club Vice Commodore Patrick Wodhams handed over a club burgee and a cheque for 710 Euros to Howth RNLI on behalf of funds raised by club members.
Feel free to nudge that total upwards a little more at