Spindrift 2 starts Jules Verne Trophy attempt
by Spindrift racing 4 Dec 2019 08:05 GMT

Spindrift racing at the start of the Jules Verne Trophy © Chris Schmid / Spindrift Racing
Spindrift 2 crossed the start line of the Jules Verne Trophy on Tuesday 3, December 2019 at 20h 55' 54" UTC to begin their 21,600 miles around the world record attempt. The Objective: to beat the existing record of 40-days 23 hours 30 minutes and 30 seconds and cross back over the line again before 20h 27' 25" UTC on January 13, 2020.
The twelve crew of the black and gold trimaran crossed the line in front of the Créac'h Lighthouse (Ushant) at 20h 55' 54" UTC on Tuesday 3, December 2019 in a very moderate 15k easterly breeze. The relatively calm conditions are a change from the stronger conditions normally associated with a start of a round the world attempt but by daybreak, as Spindrift 2 approaches the Spanish coast, Yann Guichard and his crew should benefit from these constant winds that will veer to northerly strengthening to 25-30 knots and gusting along the Portuguese coast.
It is expected that Spindrift 2 should cross the Bay of Biscay and arrive at the Equator in a little over five days. Once into the Southern Hemisphere, the crew will be able to sail more or less directly to South Africa with a view to cross the longitude of the Cape of Good Hope in less than thirteen days. Once at the entrance to the Indian Ocean, the black and gold trimaran, will be able to assess its performance against the existing record and the potential of completing the 21,600-mile course in record time.
Spindrift 2 - Jules Verne Trophy Squad:
- Yann Guichard - skipper
- Erwan Israël - navigator
- Jacques Guichard - watch leader / helm
- Jackson Bouttell - helm / bow
- Thierry Chabagny - helm
- Grégory Gendron - helm
- Xavier Revil - watch leader / helm
- Corentin Horeau - helm / bow
- François Morvan - helm
- Duncan Späth - helm
- Erwan Le Roux - watch leader / helm
- Benjamin Schwartz - helm / bow
- Jean-Yves Bernot - router
Crew Split Times References:
Ushant-Equator: 4d 20h 07' (Spindrift 2 in 2019)
Equator-Cape Aiguilles: 6d 08h 55' (Banque Populaire V in 2012)
Cape Aiguilles -Cape Leeuwin: 4d 09h 32' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
Cape Leuuwin-Cape Horn: 9d 08h 46' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
Cape Horn-Equator: 7d 04h 27' (Banque Populaire V in 2012)
Equator-Ushant: 5d 19h 21' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
WSSRC Crewed Records:
Crossing the North Atlantic (Ushant-Equator): 4d 20h 07' (Spindrift 2 in 2019)
Crossing the Indian Ocean (Cape Aiguilles-S Tasmania): 5d 21h 07' 45'' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
Crossing Pacific Ocean (S Tasmania-Cape Horn): 7d 21h 13' 31'' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
Equator-Equator: 29d 09h 10' 55'' (IDEC Sport in 2017)
Around the World (Jules Verne Trophy): 40d 23h 30' 30'' (IDEC Sport in 2017)