VI Mid-Island Club Night - The best of 9 years, 9 months and 9 days!
by Bluewater Cruising Association 11 Mar 2020 15:42 GMT
19 March 2020

Jordan and Judy Mills © Jordan and Judy Mills
Jordan and Judy Mills left Victoria in September, 2009 on their 35 ft. cutter, Sea Turtle IV, for what they expected to be a five year west-about circumnavigation.
Nearly 10 years later, in July, 2019, Jordan and Judy finished their 50,000+ circumnavigation and arrived back in Victoria Harbour to a warm welcome by many BCA members and friends.
We are pleased to have Jordan and Judy return to VI Mid-Island to present their best photos and a summary of 'the best' of their travels from Victoria to the Mediterranean as well as an overview of the last leg of their circumnavigation. They will share stories of their great journey, including the many 'off boat' adventures, as well nautical ones.
Doors open at 1900h and presentation will begin at 1930h. The bar will be open - come early to enjoy conversation and camaraderie.
Presenters' Background
Jordan and Judy last presented to VI Mid-Island in March of 2018 after 8 years and 40,000 miles took them as far as the Mediterranean. During that presentation, 'Fire and Ice', they discussed their journey from Victoria to South America, the South Pacific and South-East Asia.
Jordan is already back volunteering with BCA VI Chapter as the Fleet Weather Watchkeeper, so those who are attending Fleet-Weather will get to hear more details of Sea Turtle IV's adventures!
- Nanaimo Yacht Club
- 19 Mar 2020 1930h - 2200h
- Members $5 / Non-Members $10
This article has been provided by the courtesy of the Bluewater Cruising Association.