505 World Championship 2020 in Sweden cancelled
by Michael Quirk 7 Apr 2020 05:24 BST

505 World Championship 2020 in Sweden cancelled © Christophe Favreau /
The International 5O5 Class has been the latest to cancel the 2020 World Championship.
Class President Michel Quirk said "We are in challenging but temporary times. The World Championship event which normally attracts, to the one start line, up to 180 of the world's best and enthusiastic boats was scheduled in beautiful Torekov, Sweden in mid-August. World Championships need a long lead time to organise and to allow competitors to arrange travel from the 18 countries around the world where the boat is sailed".
The Swedish 5O5 association and Sailing Bastad have done a wonderful job planning so far but we now have to acknowledge that a proper safe event cannot be held in the current global circumstances.
The good news is that the 2021 World Championship will be held in Bermuda, October 26th to November 6th 2021.
The Bermudan Tourism Authority are providing substantial subsidies towards container costs so this looks like being a very popular event and venue. The 5O5 Class has boats available for anyone who wishes to try out what many of the Worlds most success sailors bill as the best sailboat racing on the planet.
The 5O5 Class also runs a Euro Cup series for international competitors.The first of these in Cannes over Easter has been cancelled but the Class hopes by September the last two events on the calander can be held. These are the re-scheduled Kiel Week (Germany) in September and Hayling Island (UK) in early October. See www.int505.org for details.
Stay well everyone, keep your heads down and we will all see each other soon. In the meantime here is a short video memory of the last 505 World Championship in Fremantle, Australia.