You will occasionally damage your boat or the foils, so in this section I will give you a few tips on how to make repairs
Repairing Dings In Foils
Repairing a Damaged Leading Edge
- Grind out a bigger area around the ding (1).
- Prepare resin (2) and fill the gap with resin (3).
- Grind off the surface of the repair (4).
- Use fine sandpaper to create a smooth finish (5 & 6).
Repairing A Damaged Trailing Edge
If the ding is on the trailing edge any quick repair tends to fall off, because there is not much bonding area. You need to:
Grind out a bigger area around the ding.
Stick glass tape over both sides and fill the gap with resin (see diagram below).
Grind off the whole surface of the repair.
Apply gel coat or paint.
Use fine sandpaper to create a smooth finish.
Repairing A Broken Corner
- Grind out a bigger area around the ding (1 & 2).
- Stick glass tape over both sides (3) and apply resin (4).
- Clamp until dry (5).
- Trim edges (6).
- Grind off the surface of the repair (7).
- Apply gel coat or paint (8 & 9).
- Use fine sandpaper to create a smooth finish (10).
We also have numerous products can help you with your repair, from Epoxy, Fillers, Gelcoat, Paints, Rubbing Compounds and Polishes we have a range of products that can help you complete your repair.
Still need more info, although the shop is closed we are still providing a safe mail-order service manned by a limited number of staff. Please be aware orders are taking longer than usual to deliver, we are dispatching as fast as we can, but postal and courier services are currently flat-out. Keep safe!.
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01604 345010
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