Covid-19 pandemic restrictions lead 2020 Tornado Europeans to be moved to 2021
by International Tornado Class Association 5 May 2020 13:04 BST
23-27 June 2021

Tornado World Championship - Day 1 © Nikos Pantis
Following actual developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the situation across Europe and the World, the International Tornado Association Event Committee for the 2020 European Championship's Organising Authority (OA), has decided to postpone the European Championship by one year to the 23rd - 27th of June 2021.
The decision has been taken first and foremost to preserve the health and safety of all participants, helpers and their families as well as friends joining the event.
As of today, there is no evidence that the World Championship event in Thessaloniki, September 26th to October 3rd, 2020 will be cancelled. We will take further decisions mid June, and involve you in the decision making process.
We hope that the Tornado family and community stays safe and motivated in these difficult times.
We also want to thank all sailors who registered in the event so far (15 crews from Austria, Australia, Belgium, Czeck Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain and Switzerland) the registration will remain valid for 2021. If payment has been made and you need a refund, please let us know.
We wish you and your families health and resilience and we look forward to seeing you on the racecourse soon!
Jürgen Jentsch
ITA and SCFF Club President, on behalf of the Event Organisation of the Tornado Open, Mixed and Youth European Championships 2020