Flushing Sailing Club Lockdown Lecture Series with Andy Ash-Vie
by Dave Owens 11 Jun 2020 14:51 BST
7.30pm, 15 June 2020

Handle and manage loads on your boat © Dave Owens
Flushing Sailing Club is pleased to announce the third webinar in its Lockdown Lecture series and open to all. The third session is led by one of Britain's most knowledge sailing hardware experts Andy Ash-Vie, the now retired former Managing Director of Harken UK. Andy will look at how to handle and manage loads on your boat, reducing friction, maintenance hints and a range of tips of how to improve the performance of your boat.
Andy has been sailing since he was introduced to a Flying Fifteen by his father at the age of 3! After working for Hoods and then in yacht design before creating Harken UK in 1999. Andy has recently modified a 6 Metre yacht and is eagerly awaiting the re-commencement of fully crewed racing when guidelines allow to come and visit some of the West Country Regatta weeks.
There is no charge for these sessions but donations to the Flushing Sailing Club Building Fund would be most welcome (details at the bottom of this article). The Club has ambitious plans to re-build its ageing clubhouse for which it has planning permission and is now over two thirds of the way through the £430,000 fundraising campaign. With the Club's centenary in 2021 it is all go for the Club despite the Covid-19 restrictions.
These lectures are delivered via Zoom and will be a 1/2 hour presentation followed by a facilitated Q&A session with questions via the Zoom chat function.
Zoom codes:
- Meeting ID: 847 3396 6647
- Password: Carrick
Donations to the Flushing Sailing Club Building Fund, Lloyds Bank. Sort Code: 30-98-97. Account No. 78639660