CSA launches Fundraiser to assist with the development of the Caribbean Wide Learn to Sail Programme
by Caribbean Sailing Association 27 Jun 2020 16:01 BST

Caribbean Sailing Association Fundraiser © Caribbean Sailing Association
The Caribbean Sailing Association (CSA) is seeking funding to establish a Caribbean wide sail-training program that will provide a creditable training resource for sailing associations, sailing schools and yacht clubs throughout the region to teach, promote, and grow sailing participation.
Resilience of the Caribbean region is a collective objective worked on by many leaders and organisations, and the Caribbean Sailing Association is no exception. For the last six years sailing development has been a key objective of the association. A major challenge identified has been the inconsistency of learn to sail programmes across the region and lack of funding and ability to access them in some cases.
This programme, with the working title Sailing 4 Success, will provide an identifiable pathway for Caribbean nationals to discover sailing, develop competencies and then remain lifetime sailors. It will be developed by Caribbean sailors for Caribbean Sailors.
The pathway will align learning to sail with the life opportunities sailing offers the communities of the Caribbean; careers, marine conservation, coaching, performance sailing, and recreational activity.
The developed training resources will be aligned to support and promote regional marine conservation. This will be achieved through the agreed partnership with the Sailors for the Sea KELP program.
The global Coronavirus pandemic is ensuring very challenging times lie ahead for the fragile local Caribbean island sailing communities. The Sailing for Success project will offer this workforce a lifeline of resilience as they are recruited to take part in the remote training and development of resources for the program.
President of the CSA, Alison Sly-Adams, says of the programme, 'In comparison to first world countries, the main objective for many islanders to enter the sport of sailing is for the career opportunities. This programme will help break down the perceived barriers of our people from seeing yachting as a viable and accessible career option which is so important to building resilience of the industry island by island.'
More information and details on how to donate to the programme can be found on www.caribbean-sailing.com/sailing4success.