Southport Yacht Club to host 2020 Queensland Paper Tiger Catamaran State Championship
by Renee Cohen 7 Sep 2020 05:41 BST
3-4 October 2020

Southport YC to host 2020 Queensland Paper Tiger State Championship © Lori Clements
The Southport Yacht Club is pleased to announce that it will host, in partnership with the Queensland Paper Tiger Catamaran Association, the 2020 Queensland Paper Tiger Catamaran State Championships. It is the first time that this event will be held on the Gold Coast and hosted by the Southport Yacht Club. The event will take place from Saturday 3rd to Sunday 4th October 2020.
The recent resurgence of Paper Tigers in Queensland, especially at the Southport Yacht Club, has been very well received. The Queensland Paper Tiger State Championships is a further step in helping to promote the sport of sailing and in particular the Paper Tiger Class as it offers affordable, high performance and competitive racing across all age groups.
The Regatta is open to boats complying with the Paper Tiger International Class Rules and possessing a valid measurement certificate. An Early Bird Entry fee of $150 is valid for all entries received prior to the 26th September 2020. After this date the Entry Fee will be $200.
Entries are now open and the Southport Yacht Club invites all eligible entrants to enter here.