La Superba five-peats J/24 Coppa Italia at Nettuno Yacht Club
by J/Boats 9 Nov 2020 15:42 GMT
31 October - 1 November 2020
J/24 Coppa Italia 2020 © J/Boats
With a trio of victories and a second place for the series, the Italian Navy's Ignazio Bonnano sailed their famous ITA 416 La Superba to victory in the Coppa Italia J/24 off Nettuno, south of Rome along the Mediterranean coastline.
Bonanno's crew included Simone Scontrino, Francesco Linares and Vincenzo Vano. Hosting the event was the Nettuno Yacht Club and the Circolo of Vela Anzio Tirrena, with the technical and logistic collaboration of the Marina di Nettuno, the Circolo Canottieri Nettuno and the Italian Class J/24 and the sponsor support of Margutta Che Frutta!, Life Soup, Bontà Verde Agroama and Mille Gomme.
Taking the silver medal was Luca Silvestri and his ITA 458 team on Enjoy Two. Then, sitting in third, just one point from the second, was Massimo Mariotti's ITA 502 Avoltore.
After the first four National Regattas (Marina di Carrara, Mandello del Lario, Cervia, and Nettuno), Bonanno's La Superba is leading with Pietro Diamanti's Jamaica team in second. Eleven J/24s have competed so far in the four-event series.
"Maximum attention was paid to the provisions on containing the spread of Covid-19, thanks also to the active collaboration of the Port Authority and the naval sector of the Guardia di Finanza, who were present and available for every need," explained Valerio Taveri of Nettuno Yacht Club. The President of the Marina di Nettuno- Ugo Lori, the NYC President- Mariano Manenti, and the CVAT President- Andrea Sanzone, strongly wanted to host this edition of the Coppa Italia. The Race Committee was composed of Costanzo Villa, Livia Serafini, Emanuela Proietti, Enrico Ragno, very willing to participate in the event, despite the period we are going through. We also wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Anzio Maritime District Office and the brilliant assistance of the Maritime Finance."
The final regatta of the Italian National J/24 series will be held on November 14th and 15th. Thanks for this contribution from Italian J/24 Class secretary Paola Zanoni.
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