Gordon Reid returns to RYA Northern Ireland as Development Officer
by Emma Blee 12 Nov 2020 08:59 GMT
Watersport enthusiast Gordon Reid has rejoined RYANI as Development Officer, covering Mary Martin's maternity leave.
Gordon has a background in dinghy sailing and rowing and has been involved with powerboating, windsurfing and kayaking and has taken on the role of Development Officer at RYA Northern Ireland from 28 October.
As an active sailor and instructor at East Down Yacht Club, Killyleagh Yacht Club and NI Sea Cadets, Gordon has competed in multiple national and international events.
Gordon has also been involved in club administration as Commodore of East Down Yacht Club and is active at Lagan Scullers' Club, having been Captain for 25 years.
Professionally, Gordon has previously worked in club and coach development with Rowing Ireland and as an active Board Member of the NI Sports Forum. He is also a member of the Sport Matters Implementation Group for Participation.
Gordon is also qualified as an architect and has worked in various practices within NI for 25 years. He spends his spare time dinghy racing, kayaking, rowing, hillwalking and on grounds maintenance, alongside family commitments.
Commenting on his new role at RYA Northern Ireland, Gordon said: "It is great to be back and getting up to speed with the new ways we can support individuals, clubs and centres as they seek to engage and hold onto members in these difficult times.
"I look forward to meeting representative of clubs and centres over the coming weeks, and I am keen to support members in their work, so that we can all become better at what we do."