Inclusivity in the sport of sailing - Scaramouche Sailing Trust webinars hosted by Mark Jardine
by Lou Johnson 20 Jan 2021 10:23 GMT
7pm GMT, 28 January 2021
Lessons from Jon Holt and the Scaramouche Sailing Trust © Scaramouche Sailing Trust
Scaramouche first made sailing new headlines back in 2017 when they were the first comprehensive state school to compete in the Rolex Fastnet Race in a boat they restored. Since then, they have competed again in 2019 and they have an entry for 2021.
The project is more than the Fastnet Race, it's about using sailing to help engage with their students, transform lives and create a lifelong interest in a sport that is not
common to children at an inner-city state school.
Jon Holt from Greig City Academy is keen to share his experience of what it has taken to bring sailing to a comprehensive state school in Haringey, London and what key lessons he has learnt along the way. Many sailing initiatives, although well-intentioned, appear to struggle with longevity and to engage students from state schools. We believe that the future of sailing as a sport will be enhanced if it draws participants from a wider cross-section of British society.
Hosted by Editor Mark Jardine, this series of webinars will focus on the challenges Jon faced in bringing sailing into a state school in 2014. Jon will talk about their backgrounds and the impact sailing has on the lives of those who take part. It will include what it has been like adjusting to restrictions under COVID-19, and what challenges there are today for state schools, and what he foresees in the coming months. Hannah Cockle, the RYA OnBoard Operations Officer, will be talking about the RYA OnBoard Initiative.
This webinar is for all stakeholders in education and sailing who are keen to help increase participation an inclusivity in the sport. Sailing clubs, class associations, schools, trusts, these are for anyone interested in and who wish to learn from Greig City Academy - the good and the no so good!
From a field to the Fastnet and beyond.
This first of the webinars is taking place on Thursday 28th January 2021 at 7 pm GMT. Sign up to the webinar here:
Please help us get to the start line of the Rolex Fastnet Race and beyond by making a donation via or contact
to set up a regular donation.
More details: follow us @ScaramoucheST