Dere's a D-Zero in da house...
by Zippy Zero 25 Feb 2021 11:12 GMT

Zippy reclining on the sun lounger (aka really getting in the way) © Liz Potter
Hello everyone, from Zippy Zero, the charismatic and journalistic D-Zero racing dinghy. I am slowly waking up from my long winter hibernation to discover two things.
One - I'm lying on a deeply padded sun-lounger in The Household Conservatory and Two - I have undergone a metamorphosis and have changed colour to a hint of grey (so mature). I have also acquired a new sail number; 333 - half a devil. How interesting.
I'm thrilled with the changes; super smooth hull, latest bimbles, full set of foils (just kidding - been watching too much of the AC75s on telly) and I'm really looking forward to going sailing. Hey, I might even be a silver surfer!
Talking of sailing, I detect a bit of excitement in the human world, as the population starts stirring from their own enforced winter hibernation. I'm certain it won't be long before we'll be back to racing - even doing some travelling and visiting my D-Zero family across the country.
The early part of our racing schedule will depend on how healthy the humans are. Personally, I think the more time they spend on the water, the better. So, if you haven't got a D-Zero yet, check out our stand at the Virtual RYA Dinghy Show this weekend.
Our God, Maker, Deal-breaker and Tin-Man-Faker David Valentine will be offering advice, plus a special show offer on new boats. Also check out our website for information on the D-Zero pre-loved collection. You can also talk online to D-Zero Owners (including my Owner, although she is blonde and talks a lot - you have been warned).
With most of our racing calendar set in late summer, I'm really looking forward to my home club's regatta weekend from June 25-27th. The event is a joint venture between neighbouring clubs West Kirby and Dee. It starts on the Friday with a round Hilbre Island race, to kick a few seal butts into orbit, before the regatta races held over the weekend. My D-Zero friends are most welcome, as are all boats who enjoy some salty, spicy sailing on the Dee Estuary.
Our Nationals have been moved from June to August and it seems that this will be the month to be in Scotland. The Jocky McNoo programme kicks off at Aberdeen and Stonehaven SC with their regatta (and D-Zero Open) on 14/15 August. A four day recovery and travel time brings us to the West coast for the RSK D-Zero Nationals at Largs SC from 20/22 August, followed by the Largs Regatta on 28/29th August. Here, I have an unfinished business date set up with a fearsome crocodile on the Isle of Cumbrae which we encounter as we race around the Island on the final day.
All this talk of sailing has made me feel quite tired, so I'm going to recline on my lounger and continue curing a bit longer.
Hang in there peoples and remember to cough far away from each other. Remember. Far Cough.
Half-Devil Zippy 333