Waikawa recognizes old hands, new crew, volunteer service
by Lisa Delaveau 4 Jun 2021 03:07 BST

Clive Ballett - Most Races Entred © Lisa Delaveau - Waikawa Boating Club
Waikawa Boating Club put the spotlight on the high performing sailors from the 2020-
2021 season and the up and coming crew and boats at the annual prize giving awards
held at the club.
The ceremony was an opportunity for winners of well-recognized races like the Race to
Tarakohe and Women’s Regatta to receive their trophies and shields. Some awards
remained locked away this year with the pandemic forcing the cancellation of some
weekly club racing and the WineWorks Wine Race to Wellington.
Rear Commodore Sailing, David Grigg was delighted with the turnout for the awards
night and pleased to see many new faces in the audience. Among those new faces
were Ryan Lui, who sailed on D’Edge and Huw Luderman, Flying Fox. Seeing these
guys sharing the Malcolm Smith Memorial Shield for most improved crew was a
highlight of the evening, said Grigg.
“It’s vital for the club and the sport that we continue to attract new crew and boats to our
club events. Recognising their efforts at our annual ceremony is important for them and
us as a club.”
The most improved yacht was awarded this year to Jason Munro with Phantasea. In
only his second year of racing, Jason recorded a dramatic improvement over last
season on his yacht and was a well deserved winner of the Nautilus Estate Trophy.
An impressive performance from Clive Ballett on Coup d’etat saw him awarded the
silver Pop Jorgensen tray for the most races entered in a season. Clive managed to get
his yacht to the start line a very impressive 55 times during a shortened 65 race season.
David Grigg was also full of praise for the volunteer service of Club Commodore, John
“During a period where the club is without a Committee Boat, John has brought his own
boat out, week after week to enable us to race. It’s quite simple. We couldn’t have raced
without him.”
For his service, John was presented with the Above and Beyond Award.
The new winter season is under way and this will lead into a full calendar of racing.
Anyone interested in sailing can register with the club and go on a list of crew to be
matched with skippers. Simply email the club office@waikawaboatingclub.co.nz