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Inland and Coastal Marina Systems wins Marine Industry Cup 2021

by Susannah Hart 25 Jun 2021 16:46 BST 24 June 2021
Marine Industry Cup 2021 © maa

Eleven teams from across the marine industry set sail in RS21 keelboats yesterday from Hayling Island Sailing Club (HISC) to compete in the 2021 Marine Industry Cup.

The teams enjoyed breakfast and a pre-race briefing outside HISC's club house before the first six crews took to the water at 09:30. The day comprised 15 short sharp races in the six RS 21s keelboats. The 11 teams took turns competing on a tightly controlled rolling schedule, with each team completing between seven and ten races.

The wind was light to begin with but built during the day, offering the crews of four reasonable conditions for some very close racing, with small errors costing experienced teams valuable points.

Following the last race of the day, the competing the teams made their way back to HISC, arriving at 16:30 for a hot post-race supper and prize-giving.

Inland and Coastal Marina Systems pipped the team from HISC to first place and was awarded the Marine Industry Cup. Headed up by Jon Challis, the team received the trophy plus a Leatherman multi-tool each.

The award for the Most Fun on the Water went to Martin Leaning Masts and Rigging, with the all-female crew being presented with a bottle of Salcombe Gin.

Sponsored by RS Sailing and Marine Industry News, this fun and competitive event raised funds for Friends of PICU, a charity which supports children and their families on the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit in Southampton Children's Hospital. A cheque for £1200 was presented to the unit's lead consultant Iain Macintosh, who said thank you and "don't worry about the money, it's really needed and will be well spent."

Speaking after the racing Jon Partridge from RS Sailing said: "Thank you to everyone for making it such a pleasure. A great day to sail with a great bunch of people, and that's what makes the marine industry so special. We're so proud to support an event that inspires such a buzz about our industry. We'll be back next year, bigger and better."

Marine Industry Cup 2021 Results:

1st - Inland and Coastal Marina Systems
2nd - HISC
3rd - A-Plan Insurance
4th - Sandy Point Chandlery
5th - Lewmar (Z)
6th - Bainbridge International
7th - Marine Industry News
8th - Barton Marine
9th - Martin Leaning Masts and Rigging Ltd
10th - Pains Wessex
11th - Lewmar (L)

See full Results here...

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