Try an RS400 - RS Class Association demo boats available
by Sally Campbell 16 Jul 2021 06:13 BST
Bookings are now being taken for the RS Class Association demo RS400s.
30 years after its launch the RS400 remains hugely popular, with over 50 boats entered for the Noble Marine TridentUK National Championships and many more competing in the Rooster National Tour, Regional Tours and at clubs across the UK and Ireland.
If you are interested in joining the class, you are invited to contact to book a sail. The demo boat is currently located at Warsash SC, where it will remain until 2nd October before being taken to Leigh & Lowton SC. It can be used for a half or full day sail, or for more experienced sailors for a class event. There is a second demo boat available in Scotland.
The boats are run and maintained thanks to efforts of class volunteers and insured by the RS Class Association, although we do ask those that use it to make a modest contribution, which goes towards spares and repairs.
Last year we were pleased to welcome several new pairs to the fleet following demo sails.