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Horning Sailing Club Regatta Week 2021

by Holly Hancock 10 Aug 2021 16:18 BST 31 July - 6 August 2021

Horning Sailing Club's Regatta Week began with racing on Hoveton Little Broad on Saturday 31st July and Sunday 1st August, with two days of contrasting conditions. Beginning with light winds and the broad looking like a millpond, the wind picked up during the afternoon to provide pleasant conditions.

On Sunday, the day started with torrential rain for the morning's church service, after which the skies brightened and there was a gentle breeze on the Broad, which provided for frustrating racing at times as the wind regularly shifted. Thankfully, by the afternoon, the winds were more consistent and racing was enjoyed by all, despite the occasional shower!

Monday saw the start of racing on the river outside the Clubhouse, and the River Bure became a sea of colour and activity as first the dinghies took to the water, followed by the keelboats and then the cruisers later in the day. During the morning series Horning Sailing Club was presented with the Martin Broom Memorial Trophy by Ben Falat and Julia Bower of the Norfolk and Suffolk Boating Association (NSBA) for 'Outstanding Contribution to Broads Boating', particularly in relation to the Club's work with the Three Rivers Race, the Training Centre and the positive impact on both youth and adult sailors in the area. With very light and shifty winds, strong tide and drifting conditions, racing was a true test of perseverance. The winds picked up during the afternoon much to the relief of competitors, and progress was steadier - with relatively short races being the order of the day. The evening Officers' Trophy was won by Kevin Saunders in Reedling Cockatrice, whilst the First Trophy went to Lorraine Street helming Yare & Bure Brimstone.

On Tuesday the line was run by Snowflake Sailing Club, and once again was subject to light winds, although more than the previous day. By lunchtime, conditions had turned very light once more and the wind completely shifted direction for the midday Cruiser races, with progress slow. By the afternoon series and evening races conditions had improved. The Miras Tankards for helm and crew in the scratch race were won by Robert and Holly Hancock in Reedling Siskin, whilst the junior race for the Delves Challenge Cup was sailed for in anything from Teras to Rebels (Splashes, Fevas, Toppers). It was eventually won by Henry Means in Yare & Bure Painted Jezebel, second was Harrison Ryder in Rebel Queen and third James Pettit in an RS Tera.

On Wednesday, the line was run by Norfolk Broad Yacht Club, and also saw Horning hold a fancy-dress day to raise funds for Dystonia UK. Seeing the Vice Commodore dressed as a dinosaur in the race box, along with pirates, princesses and lobsters on the water (to name but a few!) was quite a sight! With the theme of light winds continuing throughout the day, combined with a strong tide, this meant that large numbers of competitors were over the start line, particularly during the morning series. Later in that same race, several competitors went the wrong side of the final buoy on a shortened course, meaning that they had to retrace their route and correct it before finishing. During the lunchtime series the majority of the Rebel fleet returned from around the corner with one or two green penalty flags flying - leaving it to the imagination what had happened upriver! The Junior Trophy sailed for in the evening was won on handicap by Josh Means sailing Yare & Bure Painted Jezebel, who was also first over the water ahead of Ella Middleton sailing Rebel Queen, and Josh's brother Henry sailing a Laser Radial third. The Allcomers Services Race was won by Josh & Henry's father Simon Means sailing Rebel Rothay.

Thursday saw the Horning Town Open Regatta, colloquially known as "Spoon Day" where silver-plated spoons are traditionally presented to competitors finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd during the day. The lack of wind was no longer a problem! In the breezy conditions, Rebels were reefed, the Lasers switched to radial rigs and the Reedlings opted to use smaller sails. Thursday also saw the best turnout of Cruisers, with 10 on the water for the lunchtime race - which was won by Matt Ellis helming Breeze - quite a sight with its impressive towering rig on the river, with Melinda second, helmed by Paul Howes, and Pickle third, helmed by Phil Montague. The lunchtime race for the Second Horning Challenge Cup saw all boats (except for Allcomers C) compete for the Overall Trophy to be won on handicap - this was won by Toby Fields and Daniel Blackwell in Yeoman Tanskey. Despite the increasing winds, the evening Water Babies Race for Juniors in Fixed Keels was able to go ahead, and provided another win for Josh Means in Painted Jezebel, crewed by Edward Wildman, with Jack Barnham in Rebel H crewed by Tom Thwaites second (winning the Richard Page Memorial Trophy), and Jack Copping and Thomas Wildman third in Yare & Bure Scarce Copper.

On Friday the weather was the main story of the day - with very gusty winds, black skies and torrential rain! A huge storm hit during the lunchtime series, bringing with it rain so hard that it was difficult to see, and winds so strong that they caused keelboats to death roll on the run back to the Clubhouse, with one ending up in the reeds to allow the storm to pass, whilst racing was quickly shortened. The dinghy helms revelled in the conditions and came back with huge grins on their faces - particularly the young Topper fleet and, despite James Street crossing the finish line whilst capsized, he still managed a second place behind Jasper Richardson, who took a number of wins during the week. As the storm rumbled on, the afternoon series was postponed, and then condensed into Allcomers racing - one for keelboats, one for dinghies and one for cruisers. Much to the disappointment of sailors, especially the younger ones, the winds had dropped and racing was relatively calm, with even the rain clearing up for the evening races. During the final Cruiser Race, all but one boat sailed the wrong course - meaning that Peter Goshawk in Grayling won and also took the Chris Shallcross Memorial Trophy. The final junior race was also not without excitement, sailed for in a variety of boats from Splashes to Toppers and RS Fevas - the jib detaching itself from one of the Fevas seconds before the start requiring a speedy fix! The race was won by Anya Gittins in her Topper, just seconds ahead of sister Zia also sailing a Topper, with Abbey Penny sailing a Splash third. Concurrently, the Novices in Fixed Keels race took place, with Hamish Harmer crewed by James Pettit narrowly winning in Yeoman Anoah, ahead of Oliver Childerhouse in Rebel Queen.

A full social programme was also enjoyed off the water, including a treasure hunt around the Village on Saturday evening, the Berry Shield Motor Boat Handling competition on Sunday, with the Senior competition won by Adrian Tooke, and the Junior by James Pettit. Monday saw bingo and fish and chips, whilst Tuesday was pizza and quiz night. Wednesday was a pleasant evening cruise on the Southern Comfort, and Thursday paella and party with music from the Rock n Roll band "Beat Deluxe". Finally, Friday evening saw some cooling off with water frolics for the younger sailors, and evening entertainment from the Spangle Steel Pan Band.

Overall, it was a great week with strong turnouts of Yeomans, Rebels and Yare & Bures, and saw close racing every day, particularly amongst the dinghies with around 20 Toppers racing. Determination and perseverance were shown by the whole dinghy fleet, and all sailed incredibly well, although there were stand out performances from Edward Wildman in the Lasers, winning 14 races, Abbey Penny winning 8, including every afternoon Allcomers C race, and Jasper Richardson with 7 wins also in the Allcomers C. However, it was wasn't all about the racing, but friendships, team spirit and just enjoying being back on the water. All-in-all a week that felt almost normal after the challenges of the last 18 months, and which was enjoyed by all.

Trophy Winners:

Sail No.TrophyBoat NameWinner
Regatta Weekend
50Single Handed Dinghy TrophyNot awarded 
39aOld Malthouse Trophy ANot awarded 
100Millenium CupTaraGeoff Stubbs
104Harnser TrophyRebel MaidKevin Edwards
105Butterfly SalverPainted JezebelSimon Means
39bOld Malthouse Trophy BLaserEdward Wildman
27aGosling GobletTopperAbigail Penny
110Suzie Heywood Memorial TrophyPainted JezebelHeidi Means
117Blackhorse ‑ River CruisersAmantaniGeorge Brewis
118Storey ‑ Production CruisersNot awarded 
Single Race Trophies
61The Shields White AdmiralPainted JezebelSimon Means
37Officers TrophyCockatriceKevin Saunders
21First TrophyBrimstoneLorraine Street
14Delves Challenge CupPainted JezebelHenry Means
7Bosun TrophyPainted JezebelSimon Means
120aBroadacres CupGraylingPeter Goshawk
38Junior TrophyPainted JezebelJosh Means
8Braithwaite CupRebel RothaySimon Means
22Fleet TrophyNot awarded 
67Landamore Open Regatta TrophyTaraGeoff Stubbs
68Rebel Lion TrophyRebel RothayPeter Brown
70bBath White TrophyPainted JezebelSimon Means
70cOnyx TrophyCockatriceKevin Saunders
70dRanworth SalverLaserTom Thwaites
70eCockshoot SalverTopperAbigail Penny
70Yacht Builders Challenge CupJawsEzra Bailey
68aCrystal SalverBreezeMatt Ellis
66Second Horning Challenge CupTanskeyToby Fields
69aSecond Water Babies Challenge CupPainted JezebelJosh Means
69bRichard Page MemorialRebel HJack Barnham
65Horning Challenge CupTopperLily Herring
36Meadow Brown TrophyPainted JezebelDavid Means
41Phiz TrophyRebel HAnna Bunn
120bChris Shallcross MemorialGraylingPeter Goshawk
9Bullard CupMonkeyAnya Gittins
35Mary CupAnoihHamish Harmer
Series Trophies
20Ernest Oakes Challenge TankardLaserEdward Wildman
89Top Hat TrophyNot awarded 
10Cadet Trophy ‑ JuniorsTopperJasper Richardson
20aErnest Woods Memorial TrophyPainted JezebelSimon Means
49Robert Moore Memorial TrophyRebel RothayPeter Brown
40Original Horning Challenge CupLaserEdward Wildman
62aThe Yeoman TrophyTanskeyToby Fields
23Flight TrophyCockatriceKevin Saunders
21aFisher Trophy ‑ JuniorsMonkeyAnya Gittins
44Ramuz Challenge JugMelindaPaul Howes
4Benson CupPicklePhil Montague
28Hermes TrophyPainted JezebelSimon Means
34Longmynd TrophyLaserEdward Wildman
55St.Benets TankardsNot awarded 
58Visitors Tankard BNot awarded 
78Judith Paris TrophyTanskeyToby Fields
57zVisitors Tankard ANot awarded 
59Partridge TrophyTopperAbigail Penny
2aBadger TrophyNot awarded 
119Mike Evans Regatta MedalTopperAbigail Penny
70aNorfolk TrophyNot awarded 
120Cruiser Captain'sGraylingPeter Goshawk
121Yare & Bure OD Centenary TrophyPainted JezebelSimon Means

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