Royal Opening of Flushing Sailing Club's New Clubhouse
by Dave Owens 19 Aug 2021 14:19 BST
16 August 2021

A new clubhouse for Flushing Sailing Club opened in 2021 © FSC
The Princess Royal, President of the Royal Yachting Association today officially opened the new Clubhouse for Flushing Sailing Club. Located on the New Quay in the beautiful village of Flushing on a sunny but blustery day, Her Royal Highness met Club representatives and also spent time with the team responsible for constructing the new building along with individual and corporate donors and Club members.
Peter Harvey, Chairman of the Club's Trustees thanked Her Royal Highness on behalf of the Club and invited her to unveil a plaque celebrating the event during the Club's centenary year. Peter commented "The opening of the new Clubhouse is the result of a very significant effort by a comparatively small group of very committed members. It has taken over seven years from the very first stages and our volunteers have delivered a magnificent new building in our centenary year"
Gaye Slater, Commodore of Flushing Sailing Club paid tribute to the funders including Sport England, Club members, local donors and major in-kind contributions from several local marine companies. Gaye said "Today is the celebration of both the Club's centenary and the opening of our fabulous new Clubhouse which has been enabled by the generosity of so many people and local companies. We are delighted to have welcomed the Princess Royal to officially open the Clubhouse which is so important to both our members and the community of Flushing."