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Typhoon Scorpion Nationals 2021 in association with Craftinsure and FFX - Overall

by Alan Ritchie 24 Aug 2021 14:39 BST 15-20 August 2021

What a week - readers forgive me if I run out of superlatives for describing what just happened in west Cornwall last week. A fine fleet (a sting) of Scorpions descended on Penzance over the weekend of 13-14th August for a week of racing to decide the National Champion once more after the enforced Covid break.

Greeted by a relaxed boat park layout allowed sailors to find a corner to offload and set themselves up, Sailor Jerry (class rules guru) was patrolling with his big measuring tape and lead checking device to ensure no one had forgotten to re-attach their correctors after two winters of possible bimbling.

But I get ahead of myself - already on the Saturday morning an elite group had conquered the most westerly park run on the mainland UK and got some sneaky photos on Land's End in before the wardens made people pay for the privilege.

Saturday was spent bimbling, setting up and catching up with a superb opening Commodore's Reception (did you know Penzance only charge £3 a beer) this is looking good for the week ahead! (Most of the rules and racing discussions had been covered on Zoom in the lead up to the event, so more socialising time available on day 1 - excellent.)

Registration was a fantastic chance to pick up the pre-ordered goodies (thanks Triggernaut sunglasses), free pirate burgees, tote bags c/o Maguire Boats, water bottles, sponges and stickers thanks to Craftinsure, as well as our fantastic cheap gilets courtesy of FFX.

So to day 1 - it's time for the non wetsuit folk (SHWAGS) lunch and the time for them to plan their week - oh and a practice start, practice race and two races in a force 5 for the sailors - wow - the photos from Lee Whitehead say it all - epic. Gilly & Rach (Tom Gillard and Rachael Rhodes) in control with two race wins, then pasties and beer on tally return.

Day 1 Evening - the famous Sheppey races and Lee Marriott in control as the piggy race controller himself - great fun had by all with 'George the Vegan' now booked into Gamblers Anonymous as a result.

Day 2 - another force 5 with two races for Gilly & Rach (saffron buns and beer on tally return). SHWAGS off to Mousehole with ice creams, pasties and other important carb loading on the way, with bus back to ensure energy for the new format quiz night hosted by Mr and Mrs Gray. The campsite had its own early event with a wedding anniversary celebration hosted by the Drama Queens - 15 bottles and three large iced fruit cakes demolished.

Day 3 The wind is now easing - force 4 half... tired bodies straining but again Gilly n Rach setting the pace (back to pasties and beer on tally return). SHWAGS off to the Jubilee lido to experience the sort of cold water the sailors seem to enjoy. Warmed up after cold water immersion by cream tea and Pimms (I think I've made a mistake by being in the sailing team?)

AGM and Fish and Chips for dinner for 150. Some fabulous singing from shanty group Barrett's Privateers - the local night work construction team halted work to listen.

Day 4 - only a force 3 to contend with so rigs upright and finally a chink in the scorecard for Gilly n Rach: a bullet and a second. No matter the championship has been well won a day early - but the crew's race is the real event today and Richard (Pepsi) Pepperdine was supported by Peter to ensure they both got a race win today. Cornish Cakes and beer on tally return.

SHWAGS showing signs of fatigue with only a small group visiting St Ives by train (why leave Penzance at all I ask myself?) Family games night run by team Haines & Pegg and compered by Ritchie resulted in only one hospitalisation this year - luckily the leg was saved by steristrips.

Day 5 - The competition is on for second place; sadly for some the Bear hunt failed and Alan/Bear kept second place for an impressive comeback after winning in 2018. Pasties and beer to finish the tally return.

SHWAGS are now busy prepping fancy dress for the pirate party - children first before the free rum starts to flow later in the evening - dancing like mad till folk-punk band Black Friday have to stop at 11.

With a week of gate starts to ensure rapid and fair racing, all ten races were completed as well as the crews race and a practice race - Gilly and Rach streets ahead and always able to squeeze to the front no matter if they started late or early. However the real winner in this story is the Scorpion community - we had newbies coming from other classes, oldies returning from a break, youngsters borrowing the class boat and the stalwarts - all battling round with smiles on their faces.

Rigs were cut away after unfortunate events - replaced in time for the next days racing with a huge team effort, many were tweaking all week with both sailmakers and boat builders all doing their best to ensure that people were able to sail as much and as well as they could.

The off-water activity was set up to ensure that non-sailors were included and busy if they chose to be, evenings were full of fun in an airy marquee again with activity if wanted or a warmer clubhouse for those who prefer to remain seated while socialising.

To finish off a fantastic week a prize-giving on Friday morning was well run and supported (who wouldn't turn up when there's free coffee and bacon sandwiches on offer), prizes were spread throughout the fleet with sponsors being very generous with jackets from Craftinsure, sunglasses from Beat Racing, goodies from Allen Brothers, youth prizes from Big Blue Sky Campers, a raffle for a brand new kite from Moatt Sails etc etc (I actually think we should all be able to keep our bibs from Typhoon to show off all year - I was there!).

The winners overall were Tom Gillard and Rachel Rhodes/Gray with the winners of the silver fleet being Michael and Georgina Hicks in Blue Moon. Bronze feet winners were Alister Sim and Duncan Sim in Popping Polly.

The Scorpion fleet has a fair spread of prizes so I will just mention a few. At the younger end of the fleet, Fraser Hemmings who won first under 21 crew in his first nationals. Jake Willars winning the junior helm prize and, with Bradley Seaton, first youth combo (a combined age of under 40) and Monty Hampton, Harry George and Samantha Mason all who are 13 years old.

And at the 'young at heart' end: Pete Rose winning the veteran helm, Jerry Hannabus winning the veteran crew, Nigel Potter winning the super veteran helm and Steve Smith winning the super veteran crew. And the ancient mariners prize going to Steve Walker and Jerry Hannabus and very ancient mariner going to Stuart Robinson and Alison Sheldrick.

The hotly contested tenacity prize, for the lowest placed boat finishing all the races went to Helen Allen and Andy Wadsworth in 2000 "Does my bum look big in this". And Janet Ritchie with her wonderful crew battled stiff competition in Drama Queen to retain the ladies helm prize for another year.

Final mention goes to the pro am team which was awarded by the fleet to sailors who had gone above and beyond to support other people during the week. The prizes went to Nigel Potter & Steve G and Malcolm Janes & John Tailby (special thanks for the pins from me).

Thanks Penzance - you were awesome - we'll be back.

Just one pressure question for those superstars responsible for this great week - how do we get Looe to be even better next year...?

The Scorpion association would like to thank Penzance Sailing Club for hosting a fantastic Championships, and also all our sponsors for their generosity: Typhoon International, Craftinsure, FFX, Moatt sails, Maguire Boats, Allen Brothers, Paintcraft Boats, Big Blue Sky Campers, Triggernaut Sportsglasses and Beat Racing.

Lee Whitehead has several video interviews on YouTube, as well as footage of the race starts.

Full results below


Tom Castle prize for innovationChris Yates ‑ Liquid Spirit
Brian Curren PlateNick Lightbody
Bruise Of The WeekEmily Cole‑Evans
Crews Race2045 ‑ Rich Pepperdiine & Pete Gray
Flyer Of The Week1985 ‑ George & Rosie Povall
Up and coming biggest
improvement from last year
Russell Wheeler & Lee Marriott
Consistancy Prize outside of top ten2026 ‑ Chris Massey & Tom Daniels
Pro/AMNigel Potter / Steve Graham & Malcolm James /John Tailby
Club Top GunsStaunton Harold SC
Highest Club TurnoutNotts County SC
Family PrizeFellows family
Tenacity prize2000 ‑ Helen Allen & Andy Wordsworth
Bronze Fleet Winner2019 ‑ Alister & Duncan Sim
Silver Fleet Winner1943 ‑ Micheal & Georgina Hicks
Crews First NationalsFraser Hemmings
Helms First NationalsMichele Inversi
1st Classic Admiral Cup1880 ‑ Nigel Wakefield & Pasty Vigus
1st Lady HelmJanet Ritchie
1st Lady CrewRachael Gray
1st Veteran Helm Peter Rose
1st Veteran CrewJerry Hannabuss
1st Super Veteran HelmNigel Potter
1st Super Veteran CrewSteve Smith
1st Youth CrewFraser Hemmings
1st Youth HelmJake Willars
Junior Recognistion13 year old ‑ Monthy Hampton
13 year old ‑ Harry George
12 year old ‑ Smantha Mason
Youth ComboJake Willars & Bradley Seaton
Emila Mapton & Meganb McMorris
Ancient Mariners2044 ‑ Steve Walker & Jerry Hannabuss
Very Ancient Mariner1052 ‑ Stuiart Robinson & Alison Shelden

Overall Results:
If you finished in the top ten at the Scorpion nationals then enter your Gear Guide information here

PosFleetSail NoHelmCrewR1R2R3R4R5R6R7R8R9R10Pts
1stGold2013Tom GillardRachael Rhodes‑1111111‑2118
2ndGold2034Alan KrailingSimon Forbes32‑422‑4342220
3rdGold2045Pete GrayRich Pepperdine5‑633‑62216426
4thGold2025Tom JeffcoateTim Hartley44(RET)(RET)435311539
5thGold1986Sam WatsonAndy Thompson255(DNC)126464(DNC)44
6thGold2037Vincent HoreyRobert Gardner938439‑15‑185748
7thGold2028Ryan BuchananHannah Buchanan(DNC)92610‑12753951
8thGold2040Andrew McKeeCharlotte Graham14‑157(RET)5581591174
9thGold1880Nigel WakefieldPasty Vigus‑158915711‑181210375
10thGold2042Tom LonsdaleEmily Cole~Evans6‑2710118720‑2171382
11thGold1958Nigel PotterSimon Hibbett81167‑2315239‑36685
12thGold2026Chris MasseyTom Daniels7713598‑27‑27261287
13thGold2005Janet RitchieAlan Ritchie‑2013171011‑221171319101
14thGold1981Dave ElstonGavin Poullion‑3610181215131319‑298108
15thGold1995Peter RoseJohn Rose1319151713‑20148‑2214113
16thGold2022Christian SmartSimon Turnbull12121113161921‑2419‑24123
17thGold2043Barry WolfendenOliver Fellows111714141817‑301715‑21123
18thGold1935Ian CadwalladerEllie Devereux162216814‑26241314‑32127
19thGold2044Steven WalkerJerry Hannabus102012162030‑411037‑46155
20thGold2041Catherine MaguireAndrea Fellows‑28182026281462817‑33157
21stGold204Angus HemmingsFraser Hemmings211634(RET)(RET)2719111217157
22ndSilver1943Michael HicksGeorgina Hicks(RET)242219242116‑32825159
23rdSilver1985Georgina PovallRosie Povall2614‑46‑29292410202120164
24thSilver2023Richard SearleLucy Searle17252522212812‑3116‑37166
25thSilver2004Jock FellowsGeorge Fellows‑4123‑4928391017143316180
26thSilver1967Matt PotterAmy Clay19(DNC)21(DNC)34239253428193
27thSilver2020James SalterSofia Abrahams‑312624231931‑38222722194
28thSilver2027Rob LarkeElly Pegg2321231830(DNC)224039‑48216
29thSilver1931Myles JacksonBill Jackson(DNC)(DNC)2824271637333030225
30thBronze2019Alistair SimDuncan Sim33(DNC)312525‑4834422018228
31stSilver2024Sandra SmithJeni Richards(DNC)(DNC)DNC33171832291810230
32ndSilver1988Russell WheelerLee Marriott2528(RET)(RET)262547232535234
33rdSilver2011Malcolm JamesJohn Tailby2729273122294034‑50‑42239
34thSilver1997Richard MasonMiss Samantha Mason(DNC)(DNC)3935333726262323242
35thSilver2048Chris YatesDave Barker24(DNC)3636314225‑443231257
36thSilver2030Colin BradleyLuke Bradley(DNC)(DNC)2930403233353526260
37thSilver1970Edward ParsonsNick Jerkins18(DNC)2694538‑53525329270
38thBronze1925Martyn DenchfieldNigel Hufton393230343736‑4337‑5234279
39thSilver2021Kevin GoslingEllie Gosling323040‑4335342941‑4240281
40thBronze2015Joanne MahyRichard Bowers293533213844‑484548‑54293
41stSilver1957Paul GraceAlex Reindorp(DNC)(DNC)44DNC363928162836300
42ndSilver2017Jon WillarsNicola Willars35(DNC)35374135503631‑52300
43rdSilver1883Bob PortwayJohn Gill(DNC)(DNC)RET20323346384027309
44thSilver1959Maciej (Magic) MatyjaszczukMiss Charlie Cotter(DNC)34423244‑4636394145313
45thSilver2032Steve MitchellPolly Mitchell(DNC)(DNC)32DNC424031305115314
46thBronze1907Grant BlakeDebi Gibson3433412749(RET)‑59494353329
47thSilver1932Phil WhiteJane White(DNC)(DNC)3840474344474744350
48thBronze1991David BennettRichard Gatehouse3038(RET)(DNC)524739503857351
49thSilver2009Mark LeeGeorge Buxton383153(RET)5045‑55485547367
50thBronze1052Stewart RobertsonAlison Sheldrick42365044‑545351‑574651373
51stBronze2036Robert Campbell‑GrayAngie Vale(DNC)(DNC)433851RET42544439384
52ndBronze1993Miles HapgoodSteve Smith(DNC)(DNC)5547565535534543389
53rdBronze2000Helen AllenAndy Wadsworth433751465349‑5655‑5955389
54thSilver1903Andy GrovesTessa Groves40(DNC)37(RET)485052585649390
55thBronze1936Simon HoldenJames Harcourt(DNC)(DNC)DNC39435458515438410
56thBronze1866Jake WillarsBradley Seaton(DNC)(DNC)4845464157595758411
57thSilver1759Nick LightbodyLloyd Williams(DNC)(DNC)454258DNC496124RET425
58thBronze2049Dave SnutchSue Barnes(DNC)(DNC)DNC41DNC5145465850437
59thBronze1952Ady MoretonSteve Beard(DNC)(DNC)5248575760566056446
60thBronze1992William PinnockLiz Bowers37(DNC)(RET)RETDNCDNCDNC434941462
61stSilver2001Richard BurtonMonty Hampton22(DNC)19(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC479
62ndBronze1797Emilia HamptonMegan McMorris(DNC)(DNC)56DNC595861636359492
63rdBronze1900Paul BeaconKelvin Kirkham(DNC)(DNC)47RETDNC52546061DNC493
64thBronze1350Geoffrey TrebilcockMark Trebilcock(RET)(DNC)54DNC5556626262DNC497
65thGold1329John MursellDougal Henshall(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thBronze1821Michele InversiTim Hampton(DNC)(DNC)RETRETDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thBronze1892Alison StephensChristopher Forrest(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thSilver1921Sarah JarmanAlex Hughes(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thBronze1984Kevin NichollsGrace Smith(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thSilver1951Fiona TaylorGordon Taylor(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thBronze1998Harry GeorgeJames George(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNCDNC584
65thBronze244David BleakleyLaura Bray(DNC)(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNCRETDNCDNC584

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