Popular HumpyBash Sailing Regatta returns to Redcliffe next month
by David Begley 9 Sep 2021 23:39 BST
16-17 October 2021

Humpybong Yacht Club WinterBash Regatta © Mark Dawson
Sailors from south to the border, all the way to central Queensland and inland to Toowoomba are gearing up for the annual HumpyBash regatta at Woody Point in October. The Bash is a key event for all sailors leading into class championships usually held at the end of the year.
Increasingly, the regatta is seen as an excellent step into competitive sailing for junior sailors.
Humpybong Yacht Club is staging the regatta at Woody Point, Redcliffe over 16th and 17th October 2021 and welcomes early registration of skippers and crew.
Humpybong Yacht Club president, David Begley said The Bash has always been a well attended highly popular premier regatta for off the beach catamaran and dinghy sailors. Even in 2020, with the Covid restrictions, there were more than 80 entries; almost as many as 2109. This year we are expecting similar numbers.
"Sailors really appreciate sailing on Moreton Bay with comfortable water temperatures and excellent weather ideal for sailing.
The regatta is staged with seniors and juniors racing on courses set well apart to ensure sailor safety. Both groups will be sailing mixed class divisions, handicapped according to ratings. This means that sailors are able to complete in even terms regardless of the class of boat they sail.
The junior group will also have sailing tailored to the experience levels of the sailors. Class racing means that high performance and speed craft like F18, Nacra and A Class catamarans sail different courses to reduce contact and interaction with slower dinghy classes like Lasers, Tasers, Contender and 125 dinghies and other craft.
Vantage points along the Redcliffe foreshore, the Shorncliffe and Woody Point jetties provide spectacular viewing and photography points, especially for the Sunday racing up the coast.
"HumpyBash is a key event of the sailing calendar and a fine tuning event providing key opportunities for skippers and their crews to refresh and refine their skills for the Summer racing calendar and state and national championships held over Christmas--New Year and early in 2022."
Humpybong Yacht Club is a family focused sailing club and we actively encourage and invite competitors of all experience levels to take part."
We urge those competitors who haven't as yet registered to do so to assist the club with catering, logistics and determining volunteer numbers for start, safety and other on water marshalling craft.
Mr Begley said as with all major events at Humpybong, overnight camping and use of club facilities will be available to competitors and their families. Canteen facilities with hot and cold food will be open for the duration of the event.
Registrations for the regatta will open on 17th September on the HYC webpage at www.hyc.net.au/events/76677. The Notice of Race will be available at the same time.