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Hyde Sails 2024 - One Design

2021 Lymington River Scow Championships at Keyhaven Yacht Club

by Jon Harvey 16 Sep 2021 09:06 BST 11-12 September 2021

After a year out due to Covid restrictions the Lymington River Scows returned to Keyhaven Yacht Club for their 2021 Championships. The forecast promised a full mix of conditions and a pleasant dose of sunshine.

Saturday was scheduled for three races and the forecast breeze of 18 knots increasing to 22 knots proved pretty accurate and fairly testing for crews and equipment.

The double handed fleet proved very competitive in the breezy conditions. Races one and three were taken by Rory and Alex Paton sailing 'Wizard', race two being won by Catherine Maguire and Robyn Stock sailing 'Splinters', whilst Jo and Elsie Hutchinson sailing 'Jemma' secured three second places. The close and tight racing continued behind this, with Tim and Liz Power in 'Pig in a Puddle', Stephen and Lesley Boyd in 'Spindrift' and Annabel and Harry Hutchinson in 'Humbug'. With the wind peaking at 24 knots it was tough racing with a few breakages and capsizes, but lots of smiling faces returned after a great days racing. Big shout out to all the youngsters that braved these conditions particularly Elsie Hutchinson, Annabel Hutchinson, Sam Cecil-Wright, and Zoe Gosling.

The conditions proved quite challenging for the single handers with only three of the single handed fleet completing all three races. Mike Urwin, set the initial pace winning race one and securing third place in race two but a capsize during the pre-start of race three put paid to that race. Eventual champion Sarah Richards scored three, two, one, to lead overnight. John Chaundy showed great pace to secure a win in race two but failed to complete races one and three, while Peter Blick sailed consistently to end the day second overall. James Young scored a second in race three but hampered by an OCS in race two.

The weather on Sunday was a complete contrast with a shifty five to eight knot breeze from the south west. In the double-handed fleet Race 4 was lead by Catherine and Robyn but a wind shift on the final run meant that Jo Hutchinson crossed the line first. Molly and Claire Bridge in 'Birthday Girl' took a great 3rd place going to the favoured end of the finish followed by Sarah and Zoe Gosling in 'Oui'.

The final race saw a bit more wind and a stronger current which kept the competitors on their toes. In the end the race was won by Catherine and Robyn followed closely by Rory and Alex and Sarah and Zoe. The final results saw the first three boats tied on seven points with the Championships being won by Catherine Maguire and Robyn Stock on count-back, Rory and Alex Paton second, and Jo and Elsie Hutchinson third.

In the single-handed fleet Sarah Richards carried on where she left off with a convincing win in race four. Behind her John Chaundy and Jon Harvey had a close tussle with the former just taking second place.

In the final race James Young showed the way to the windward mark followed by Jon Harvey, with the latter slipping through on the second beat to take the final race. A tight battle ensued for second place between Sarah Richards and John Chaundy with the latter prevailing on the final leg to finish second. Overall Sarah Richards secured a convincing championship win followed by Jon Harvey in second place and John Chaundy in third.

Masters titles went to Max and Jeremy Vines in the double-handers, and John. Chaundy in the singles. Best newcomer went to Annabel and Harry Hutchinson. Race officer Cy Grisley and team were flawless all weekend with excellent mark positioning and a very quick turnaround between races. The final results emphasised the broad and enduring appeal of the class with the podium being occupied by an age range of eight to eighties.

Overall Results:

PosBoatSail NoHelmCrewR1R2R3R4R5Pts
Double Handed Division
1stSplinters433Catherine MaguireRobyn Stock31‑6217
2ndWizard314Rory PatonAlex paton131‑727
3rdJemma337Jo HutchinsonElsie2221‑77
4thBirthday Girl461Claire BridgeMolly Bridge6573‑821
5thHumbug465Annabel Hutchinson *Newcomer*Harry Hutchinson5‑848522
6thSmartie505Chris Cecil‑WrightSam Cecil‑Wright(RTD)739625
7thOui529Sarah GoslingZoe Gosling7RTD(DNC)4327
8thPic in a Puddle531Tim PowerLiz Power495‑111028
9thSpindrift339Stephen BoydLesley Boyd84810‑1130
10thZalyntha473Jeremy Vines *Master*Max Vines106(DNC)5930
11thChipolata567Harry West *Newcomer*David West(RTD)DNCDNC6438
12thBeafort540Tony Harris *Newcomer*Tim Thurston9109‑131240
13thMiridadi553Joanne EdwardsRichard Edwards1111(DNC)121347
Single Handed Division
1stPooh Sticks299Sarah Richards ‑321137
2ndWagtail527Jon Harvey 5(RTD)53114
3rdGigi II556John Chaundy *Master* (RTD)1DNC2215
4thNutshell424Mike Urwin 13(DNC)7415
5thKrill513Peter Blick 2436‑715
6thSea Mouse378James Young 4(OCS)25516
7thScarlett569Nick Griffin ‑6544619
8thCoracle353Allen Hill 76(DNC)9931
9thCapriccio404Andrew Richards (RTD)7DNC8833

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