National 12 'Naburn Paddle' at Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club
by Ian Purkis 22 Sep 2021 10:13 BST
19 September 2021

Tim and Christopher Hampshire already ahead (far left) during the National 12 'Naburn Paddle' at Yorkshire Ouse © Fran Hyett
After several days of glorious September sunshine and the long postponed "Naburn Paddle", the forecast for Sunday 19th predicted the end of the good weather, but it didn't deter the Yorkshire Ouse SC regulars and several visitors. Fortunately, it soon brightened up and despite the very light wind, the full three races were sailed.
Race 1, the long-distance race for the Jubilee Trophy, had the fleet tacking downstream with the faintest of breeze going with the weak current down to the Ship Inn mark with Tim and Christopher Hampshire (N3502) making the best of what wind there was. Philip David and Oliver Hawthorne (N2545) were next up in the leading vintage boat with Vincent and Dan Phillips (N3395) not far behind. Once round the mark and downwind the Hampshires managed to draw further ahead and get away, but Philip and Vince were in a tight race with Vince and crew Dan coming out on top, ahead at the finish. Next up was the Design 8 of Tony and Lucy Dufton, (N3283) not far behind.
After lunch on the lawn and with the sun coming out, but still only light wind, the Race 2 start line set diagonally across the river making the best of what wind there was. Set over several laps of a short course with the fleet keeping in close company, made for an intriguing spectator event and again the Hampshires got a good win. It was now Philip and Oliver up second with the Phillips third. After a close race, Ian and Margaret Purkis (N1483) got 4th not far ahead of the Duftons. With two wins, the Hampshires had the Paddle "in the bag" and generously offered to swap boats to give other crews the chance of a "Big Issue" sail but with the other places still to be settled, it was all the crews in their own boats as Race 3 started.
Philip and Oliver were now going better with every race and pulled away to a good win with the Phillips taking second and with the Hampshires now third. Looking to have another close 4th, Ian and Margaret crossed the diagonal start line and hearing a sound signal thought they'd finished. Heading for the Club, Ian suddenly realised the final race finish was over the Club line, where the Duftons were now headed. Despite his mistake, he recovered, just but only just, crossing the Club line and hearing his own sound signal this time, with the Dufton's almost immediately after!
A proud YOSC tradition is the excellent tea and cakes after "The Paddle" and despite Covid precautions, the tradition was more than maintained. Afternoon tea and prize-giving were held in warm sunshine on the lawn with the high cake standard more than maintained, albeit served in Covid secure individual portions under cling film!
Overall Result:
1st Tim and Christopher Hampshire (N3502 Big Issue 2 "Carbonara") winning the "Naburn Paddle" and Jubilee Trophy
2nd Philip David and Oliver Hawthorne (N2545 China Doll "Little Meg") 1st vintage boat winning The Transom Trophy
3rd Vincent and Dan Phillips (N3395 Final Chapter "Ysobel")
4th Ian and Margaret Purkis (N1483 Proctor Mk 4A "My Little Margie")
5th Tony and Lucy Dufton (N3283 Design 8 "White Boat Man")