Cherub class revival
by Alan Roper 3 Dec 2021 00:38 GMT

Full Boar © Alan Roper
Not only have 11 new boats been under construction, but rebuilds aplenty have occurred three of these boats have been around a while and done a lot of racing over the years and through several hands.
The 1st boat to begin down the major rebuild is Adam Millar's Contankerous Boat originally built for the 1989 worlds in Sydney. It still had its conventional layout but this was removed and a modern false floor layout incorporated into the old shell. The new floor was built of foam and carbon and she will now resemble a modern boat. Like many of the other boats receiving a birthday, Contankerous is also having new sails and spars fitted.
The 2nd Boat to head down this path is 1991 world Champion GasKrankinStation now owned by Nigel Harford. She was completely gutted and a new carbon foam interior fitted to become a modern setup boat. The new carbon interior replaced all the 30 year old failing plywood.
The 3rd boat to have a complete makeover is Adrian Pawson's Full Boar, an Aussie import that already had a false floor. She also had a retractable prod but needed to go on a major diet to lose a few kg. Adrian has done a lot of work to get here there and the goal was achieved.
Other boats have had modifications to modernise them slightly and bring them more into line with the modern setup such as Falcon and Willy Sanka.
There was also the 1st rebuild when Tim Roper while still at school rescued Malicous Intent from a Sandpit in Dargaville and completely rebuilt the boat for David Duff.
Further updates to come.