Phoenix Yacht Club boats experience two Pan-Pan calls
by Judith Hankey 22 Dec 2021 16:24 GMT
Phoenix YC's RelaX takes on a tow after a Pan-Pan call due to engine failure © PYC
We've had a busy season recently rescuing other boats while sailing at Phoenix Yacht Club. As our 40 ft X-Yacht cruiser RelaX set off on an eleven week summer cruise to the West Country she answered a Pan-Pan in Weymouth Bay.
Banjer, a yacht with engine failure, had called up Solent Coastguard to report they had were not able to sail against the tide. RelaX of Phoenix is a great light winds yacht so she was sailing well, and Banjer was only 1.5 miles away. A quick response to Solent Coastguard confirmed that we would attend and the crew altered course.
A bridle was set up on the stern, using the stern fairleads and the primary winches. They approached Banjer close enough to take their towline and attached it to the bridle with a bowline. They agreed a tow to Portland Harbour, and Solent Coastguard requested an ETA and update once they arrived there. All went to plan and the crew handed the tow over to a Portland Marina launch once they were close to the marina entrance.
The photo shows us towing Banjer, not in a RNLI-type heavy seas rescue scenario! RelaX was now under engine.
We shared this story with all of our members and so everyone learned from it, with key points such as writing down the Pan-Pan (or Mayday) position since you may be able to help, and of course the technique of fitting a bridle and how to tow.
Only a very few weeks later, Quartette, our Westerly 35, was sailing off Hengisbury Head where a dive boat needed assistance and called a Pan-Pan, again in calm seas and again because the engine (which would not start). The skipper and crew now knew how to rig a tow with a bridle and the photo demonstrates just that.
The coastguard were kept fully informed throughout and the dive boat was towed into Christchurch Bay where the tow was transferred.
The thrilled and grateful dive boat crew gave Quartette, our Westerly 35, several freshly caught scallops, which were quickly cooked for tea!
The club owns the two yachts mentioned, which are used by members, sailing out of Gosport: