64th Nice Christmas Regatta at Club Nautique de Nice - Day 2
by Alexander Panzeri 30 Dec 2021 07:39 GMT
27-30 December 2021
It was an iconic Niçoise winter sunny day with light breeze, but still the 'big' long waves, but less choppy. All the damaged boats are back were ready to fight... OK, missing the Monegasque with the broken mast!
After a smooth departure, the first race was nearly boring with Diego and Sergio dominating it, second as I suggested yesterday, the duo of Coppo-Bradanini "sono in palla" (on the ball), and third the Austrian pair of Kloiber-Fischer.
In the second race there was a first mark surprise, with the other Italian duo of Viti-Cattaneo leading, followed by the Swiss-Portuguese pair of Eckert-Melo. Diego and Sergio were well behind.
But downwind the breeze shifted and lost pressure. The first boats decide to go left, while AUT-8508 decided to take the straight, shortest line. At the leeward mark it was a surprise to see Diego and Sergio first, followed at a distance by the Austrian and the Swiss and a new guest, the Americans. The wind dropped even more and the course was shorted.
The finish line was all about conservation of momentum, and after the finish line Diego and Sergio were very happy to cross first.
For more information visit www.nicechristmasregatta.com.