60th Hamble Warming Pan less that two weeks away
by Jonty Sherwill 8 Mar 2022 11:00 GMT
20 March 2022

Hamble Warming Pan 2022 © Trevor Pountain
Hamble River Sailing Club's Hamble Warming Pan on Sunday 20th March will be the 60th edition and welcomes all non-trapeze dinghies rated PY 970-1275, plus 420s, RS400s and Foxer dinghies, with starts from 1130 and three back-to-back races organised in fast and slow PY fleets plus one-design starts for classes mustering 8 boats or more.
An Early-Bird entry rate is available online with late entry also available on the day. The morning briefing will be at 09:45. Entry details and the NOR are at the HRSC website.
With the continuing success of dinghy racing and training for all ages at HRSC the separate 'Junior Warming Pan' for under-18's is three weekends later on Saturday 9th April with racing for all Junior and Youth classes with PY 1100-1642 split into two starts plus a Regatta fleet for Optimist and Tera classes.
Entry details and Notices of Race for both Warming Pan events are now at the HRSC website and please enter soon for the Early-Bird entry rate, www.hrsc.org.uk