Norfolk Punt Club Social Saturday season commences
by Alan Davis 17 May 2022 11:35 BST
14-15 May 2022

Norfolk Punt Club Social Saturday season commences © Robin Myerscough Photography
The now traditional Social Saturday season has commenced with a superb day of "fun and frolics" on the pontoons moored in Barton Broad. With the new season it is always great to welcome new members and this year has seen many local families joining in, as well as the regular collection of sailing and cake eating members.
Many of the crews remain overnight and sail in the Sunday race sessions. The weather on Saturday was almost perfect and a good time was had by all.
On Sunday (Race Day) the weather turned to a cold and overcast day, with a brisk ESE wind, not the most attractive for setting a course for long beats to windward however the fleets were well spaced overall at the finish line.
There were four races and the Punts were well represented and proved to be very competitive! Thanks to Philip Roberts, Officer of the day and his trusty helpers.
Results A) series 1, Combined Allcomers. 8 starters
1st, Decoy, Simon Clayton
2nd, Goldeneye, Dick Roe
3rd, Redwing, Rupert Redington
Results B) series 2, Allcomers, fast, 7 starters
1st, Decoy, Simon Clayton
2nd, Goldeneye, Dick Roe
3rd, Small White, Peter Robbins
Results C) series 3, Yare and Bure One Designs. 3 starters
1st, Small White, Peter Robbins
2nd, Camberwell Beauty, Mark Luckhurst
Results D) series 3, Allcomers, fast. 4 starters
1st, Decoy, Dick Roe
2nd, Redwing, Rupert Redington
3rd, Goldeneye, Simon Clayton