Conwy Fife One Design 'A' Series Race 6 at Royal Anglesey Yacht Club
by Mike Hardie 29 May 2022 19:33 BST
28 May 2022

Conwy Fife One Design 2022 'A' Series race 6 © Ian Bradley
With 19 Fifes now afloat, it's looking like a bumper year for the fleet and if race 6 is anything to go by, it's going to be no pushover for whoever emerges triumphant at the end of the season.
With a decent NW breeze and a Penmon bound tide, the programmed trip to Ten Feet Bank looked doubtful and after due consideration and a consultation with the great and the good, Race Officer Nick decided on an 'X' course of B6, B7, B8 and B12. With a fleet of 14 Fifes and 5 MSOD'S milling about before the start, it must have been an impressive sight from the Green for the tourists.
Using a fixed starting line as we do, sometimes means the opportunity for a 'Port tack flier' occurs, maybe a couple of times a year, but the bulk of the fleet opted for the 'safe' Starboard tack option, unfortunately the wind deserted the Port tack chancers and we all started behind the main fleet. 15 (Tak and Dave), 35 (Hugo & Bob), 29 (Vice Trigger & G) and 41 (Guest helm Ewan & Barrie) 14 (BOMO, sailed by Mark & Paul) showing early promise, with 1 (Chair Jon & decorator Rob) not far behind.
As the fleet worked its way to B6 15 took the early lead with 35, 29, 28 (Jeremy and Sarah) and 1 pulled clear of the pack who were fighting it out for the minor placings. Rounding B6, 15 had a fair lead over 35, 1, 28 & 29 to begin the long run down to B7 against the tide. The leaders skirted the edge of the banks looking for maximum tidal relief and unfortunately 15 found the sand and on the falling tide was not going to get off without mechanical assistance. The remaining four leaders had by now established a good lead over the Peloton who played the usual downwind games trying to A, keep clear air whilst, B, trying to pass others. As the bunch approached Beaumaris, the ''Also Rans' split into 2 fleets with 38 (Mike, Steve & Pippa), 42 (Family Booth) and 34 (Family Flower) trying the route through the moorings, which unfortunately didn't live up to its early promise, meanwhile 5, (Andy & Dave), 39 (Gavin & Annika), 7 (Howard & Leo) 30 (AKA Girls Allowed, Gwen, Dr Flic & she who must be obeyed, Stevie) 32 (Ioan, and friends) and 14 carried on along the edge of the channel.
The Leaders rounded B7 with 1 & 35 fighting for the lead, with 28 & 29 tussling for the last podium place. Meanwhile, back in the interesting part of the fleet it began to dawn on us that we were all going to arrive at the leeward mark, line abreast and with our numbers now swelled by the catching MSOD fleet, things were looking interesting. In these circumstances a degree of common sense and forward planning helps, dropping their spinnakers early and moving to one side to await developments, 41 and 38 were able to find a gap in the dozen or so boats to come out smelling of roses, whilst those behind discussed the rights and wrongs of all sorts of things!
AT the front (and by now your reporter was too far away to be able to read the leading boats numbers, so apologies for any errors) 1 and 35 were still trading places, with 28 & 29 still in touching distance. 5 had by now emerged to lead the Peloton, followed by 42, 32 & 38. The leaders rounded B8, still unable to decide who was going to win, there followed a long slow run to the finish, as the course had been shortened, (due to a lack of cake in race control) Eventually 35 prevailed with 1 in second with 28 taking the final cannon. After that the order was 29, 5, 38, 42, 41, 39, 7, 30, 34, 32, 14.
So after 6 races of the scheduled 23 in the A series sailed, current top ten standings are as follows:
1 - 6pts
33, 38 & 42 - 16 pts
29 - 17 pts
15 - 21 pts
35 - 23 pts
41 - 27 pts
32 - 28 pts
39 - 32 pts
In the MSOD fleet, 16 (Steve) managed to hold off a charging 4 (Ray) with 6 (John) taking the final podium place. Sadly Stephen Watson-Jones was unable to make it 10 straight wins.
Your reporter is now going to spend some time recovering, both physically & mentally, in preparation for the forthcoming 4 day Jubilee Weekend, with sailing every day and socialising every evening, the reports could be a little sketchy!