Weather routings ahead of the Round Ireland - Rescheduled from earlier lecture this year!
by Offshore Racing Academy 11 Jun 2022 11:19 BST
7pm, 15 June 2022

Weather routings © Offshore Racing Academy
After some delay, the Offshore Racing Academy is delighted to announce the rescheduled date with a twist to the weather routing seminar due to Kenny's overly busy racing schedule.
Rescheduled Offshore Racing Academy Weather Routing Lecture!
Wednesday 15th June 2022 7pm onwards
Originally it was envisaged to run this program focusing solely on Expedition and Adrena, however with the upcoming Round Ireland Race on the 18th of June it has been decided to run this course with a focus on routings for this race and look at other apps and online programs that can also help you achieve superior performance in the Round Ireland race this year.
Weather routing software to be accurate requires a combination of highly accurate computer generated information including;
- Wind Data Models, know as GRIBS
- Tide and Current information
- Polars
- Accuarate Navigational Hazards
Not only will the lecture cover the software, it is equally important to discuss the pitfalls of some hardware options! Kenny will reveal the secret solutions that are tried and tested in the professional offshore sailing scene in France.
The seminar is free to those that have already signed up to this lecture in the past and also the lecture on 'Getting the most from your Offshore Racing' but the modest cost of €30 will apply to new sign ups.
To sign up, please follow this link;