Final call for entries for the Vaikobi Mirror Nationals
by Chris Fuller 26 Jun 2022 17:14 BST
23-26 July 2022

Alan and Emily Krailing in 70538 Ace of Spades lead the fleet in race 3 during the Gul Mirror Nationals at Restronguet © Kyle Brown
The 2022 Vaikobi Mirror Nationals, also sponsored by P&B are being held at Hayling Island Sailing Club (HISC) 23rd to 26th July.
There are less than two weeks to go to enter at the lower entry fee - so don't delay! Entries received before the 9th July are charged at £125 per boat after which the entry fee increases to £175.
The online entry form can be found on the HISC event page along with the Social Programme, Notice of Race and List of Entrants. There are 33 boats entered to date, 26 of which are family pairings, from 15 clubs across England, Scotland & Wales.
The Nationals provides a great opportunity for sailors that want to race with their children in a family friendly yet competitive championship. There are also youth pairings competing for various under 19 age categories and there is even a single-handed category.
HISC is an ideal venue for the family class, with its own private golden sands, great beach days are guaranteed, especially if the sun is out!
The Mirror Class looks forward to welcoming you at the Vaikobi Mirror Nationals - more details at