Rapid progress on James Sainsbury's latest home-build Moth
by James Sainsbury 1 Jul 2022 12:54 BST
Progress has been rapid on James Sainsbury's new home-build Moth © James Sainsbury
It has been ten days since the first update. Progress has been good, so I now have a pile of parts, including a hull!
Fitting a boat build in around a 8-5 full time job is not easy. The 5:30 starts and 23:00 finishes definitely makes for a long day.
The hull layup went well. This was done in three stages of inner skin, foam, then outer skin. To save time in this build the entire hull has been made in one piece ,and now three small hatches have been cut in the top to allow access to remove the former, which was done last night and took a five-hour marathon to remove all of the foam and peel ply.
Other main parts of the boat are well on their way too. The front and rear wing bars are made, foil box with insert is made, king post is well on its way, with a load of bulkhead sheets made up - you can see some mocked up in the pictures.
Next up is to finish the cardboard templates for the bulkheads and inner strengthening, turn these into carbon versions, then fit all bulkheads, wing bars, foil case and king post into the hull.
Thank you to:
- Matrix Composites for arranging the materials so quickly
- Allen Brothers for hooking me up with some beautiful new hardware
- Kingfisher Ropes for supplying the ropes
20 days to go!