Get your entry in for Mersea Week 2022
by Chrissie Westgate 10 Jul 2022 17:04 BST
14-20 August 2022

A classic start at Mersea Week © Chrissie Westgate
Mersea Week in its entirety is organised and run completely by volunteers and this year promises to be another fantastic event.
We are very fortunate to have the continued support of both West Mersea Yacht Club and the Dabchicks Sailing Club, great venues from which to organise and host the sailing and social events.
We are eternally grateful for the continued generosity of our sponsors. Marinestore Chandlery, Adnams, City & Country, Fenn Wright, Catering Elite, West Property Management, Mersea Homes and West Mersea Marine. Without you, we would simply not be able to plan such an exceptional week of events - Thank You!
Last year we had an entry of nearly 200 boats of every description. With our competitors ages ranging from 10 to over 80; there was indeed something for everyone. We are hoping for fine weather and fare winds, but all our races will be adjusted to suit.
This year we begin on Sunday 14th August with an evening reception and welcoming party and will conclude on Saturday 20th with a spectacular firework display, courtesy of Birch Technical Services.
Entries are now open and will close on Saturday August 6th at noon.
We provide free moorings for visiting yachtsmen and remember, the best sail of your life is waiting for you in the Blackwater!