25th Waller-Harris Two-handed Triangle Race at the Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club
by Bill Harris 17 Jul 2022 08:02 BST
2-4 July 2022
Honkytonk 2 during the RCIYC 25th Waller-Harris Two-handed Triangle Race © Bill Harris
The Royal Channel Islands Yacht Club's Waller-Harris Two-handed Triangle Race, postponed for the past two years due to Covid, made a very welcome return to Jersey's racing scene over 2nd to 4th July. Notably, this was the first gap since the first edition in 1996, 2020 would have seen this very popular event's quarter-centenary but it is 2022 that has claimed its 25th Anniversary.
Of the original thirteen boats that had signed up, twelve came to the line in St Aubin's Bay on Saturday morning for a 42 mile race to St Quay-Portrieux, happily and only recently opened up as a temporary official port of entry to France.
With but very light winds in the Bay, the fleet made its way to the North-west Minquiers buoy where, unsurprisingly, the wind was even lighter. The next possible starting point was the north cardinal buoy marking the north-western limit of the restricted area of the Bay of St Brieuc wind farm which also proved to be a non-starter so the fleet motored on to the Men Marc'h buoy, northeast of the Ile de Bréhat. Initially, all was calm at the buoy and the dinner booking was calling.
The race was abandoned and boats set off on the ten mile trip to St Quay. The abandonment was, however, premature for within a very short space of time a moderate westerly breeze had filled in and most boats enjoyed a great romp to make up for the frustrations of the day. The first day concluded, therefore, without a result but with a great reception in St Quay and a very enjoyable time in the Les Plaisanciers restaurant.
Sunday dawned bright with the continuing moderate to fresh westerly breeze promising a bumpy trip on the outgoing tide to the twenty-five mile distant finish line off the Basse Crublent buoy at the entrance to the channel leading to Tréguier, a lovely 'Petite Cité de Caractére'. Mindful that it was best to arrive at slack water, the race started at eight o'clock on a line off the Les Noires buoy.
With sunshine and a fair breeze, the fleet made good time as it reached up the coast towards the Men Marc'h buoy. Conditions were, indeed, seriously bumpy from that point on as boats hardened up for the long beat to the finish. This was quite testing for both boats and crew with Daniel and Sophie Le Marquand's J35, Jabot, inconveniently suffering a mainsheet failure that forced their retirement from the race. Whilst this was not the most comfortable of races, it was quick and, certainly, very competitive with Darren Stower and Rachael Morris' First 36.7, Altair, winning IRC Class 1 just under three minutes clear of 'line honours' Richard Gale and Phil Brown's Prima 38, Jenna B, with Nigel and Suzanne Coxshall's Sunfast 3600, Solis Ortus, a minute and a half behind.
Honours in the RYA NHC club handicap Class 3 went to Rhys Perkins and Bob De la Haye 'guesting' on the Westerly Fulmar Honkytonk, some six minutes ahead of 'line honours' Andy Ravenscroft and Harris Collie's Dragonfly 28, Anderica, just three seconds ahead of Nick Bailhache and Malcolm Coles' Moody 31, Fillipene.
Another very warm welcome awaited boats as they arrived in Tréguier with boats being expertly guided to their reserved berths. Full marks to Tiphenn and the marina team for whom nothing was too much even to the extent that they arranged the dinner venue when all was either shut, too small or fully booked in the town. So it was that the day ended well in Le Petit Baigneur where crews were wined and dined and regaled by the Triangle's resident Welsh tenor/raconteur!
With an exemption very kindly provided by the French authorities, Monday morning saw boats away early for the long trip to the start line off the Basse Crublent buoy and home direct to Jersey. The wind remained fresh and had veered northwest; the sea was, as ever, confused.
Starting at 1015, boats were quickly away with spinnakers blossoming as boats settled down on a broad reach for the fifty mile race home. Conditions remained consistent throughout the race with several boats suffering the trials and tribulations of errant spinnakers, definitely not recommended for two handed sailing but, arguably, a great spectator sport.
The course was, essentially, a direct line from the Basse Crublent buoy to the Les Hinguettes buoy just south of St Helier, with a port hand turn to finish off the East Rock buoy at the entrance to the St Helier Harbour roads.
Jenna B sailed well to snatch line honours and victory from Solis Ortus by just forty-one seconds after six and a half hours' racing. Altair was third. Anderica sailed well to take line honours and win in Class 3, twenty minutes ahead of Jabot whilst Karl and Tom Vallois' Oceanis 343, No Worries, took third some four minutes later.
The event drew to a close when place prizes were presented to the worthy recipients by Mrs Denise Waller at a reception in the Clubhouse on Thursday 7th July. Commodore James Wilding congratulated all the winners and thanked Past Commodore's Rodney Waller and Bill Harris for their continued sponsorship of the Waller-Harris Two-handed Triangle Race.
Overall Results:
Saturday 2nd July - Leg 1 - Jersey to St Quay-Portrieux - abandoned
Sunday 3rd July - Leg 2 - St Quay-Portrieux to Tréguier
Class 1
1 Altair - Darren Stower & Rachael Morris (4.17.40)
2 Jenna B - Richard Gale & Phil Brown (4.20.12)
3 Solis Ortus - Nigel & Suzanne Coxshall (4.21.59)
Class 3
1 Honkytonk - Rhys Perkins & Bob De la Haye (4.33.09)
2 Anderica (trimaran) - Andy Ravenscroft & Harris Collie (4.39.34)
3 Fillipene - Nick Bailhache & Malcolm Coles (4.39.37)
4 Divergence - James Wilding & Chris Deahl (4.47.49)
Monday 4th July - Leg 3 - Tréguier to Jersey
Class 1
1 Jenna B (6.36.15)
2 Solis Ortus (6.36.56)
3 Altair (7.01.50)
Class 3
1 Anderica (6.20.10)
2 Jabot - Daniel & Sophie Le Marquand (6.41.14)
3 No Worries - Karl & Tom Vallois (6.45.37)
4 Fillipene (7.08.17)
Principal Overall Results:
Class 1
1 Jenna B (3)
2 Altair (4)
3 Solis Ortus (5)
Class 3
1 Anderica (3)
2 Honkytonk (6)
3 Fillipene (7)
4 No Worries (9)