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Vaikobi Mirror National Championships 2022 at Hayling Island Sailing Club

by Martin Egan 28 Jul 2022 15:22 BST 23-26 July 2022

37 boats including the reigning National Champions, Ben & Keira McGrane, ex-World champion Chris Balding, ex-National Champion Chris Fuller plus a host of other top sailors, gathered at Hayling Island SC for the Vaikobi UK Mirror Nationals, also sponsored by P&B, from 23rd to 26th July.

Great racing in Bracklesham Bay and the more sheltered waters in Chichester Harbour. Cracking weather, on-site accommodation, a restaurant & beach bar to keep everyone fuelled up, lots of sand, great organisation from Chris & Emma Fuller and the HISC crew.

Competitors enjoyed great race management with PRO David Nicholls and his team working hard to get as many of the scheduled 8 races in, given the tidal & wind conditions that confronted them over the championship.

Racing started on Sunday with a solid 4-5 and the fleet completing three races in the waves of Bracklesham Bay. Monday was windier, force 5-6 so it was decided to make an early start and race inside the harbour while there was enough water over Pilsey Sands. Conditions were full-on, very choppy and with the wind forecast to increase and a growing number of retirements, the PRO decided to stop after two races. With a ridge of high pressure moving in, Tuesday's forecast was for a lot less wind, with significant shifts in direction and that's what happened.

The first attempt at running Race 6 was abandoned after the breeze collapsed before anyone had got to the windward mark. This was followed by a long wait for the breeze to pick up and then settle. Eventually race 6 was successfully re-run. This was followed by another wait for the breeze to settle, eventually, with time and water running out, AP over A was signalled and the fleet headed in to pack up and enjoy the prize-giving with tea and cakes.

Adult helms with child crews dominated the top end of the fleet with one notable exception. Having collected their P&B Early Entry draw prize of a new spinnaker, Max Phypers, age 13 & Emma Sellwood, age 14, from Restronguet SC, sailed the regatta of their lives, winning one race, finishing third overall and winning the under 15 category. Ben McGrane with 8 year old Keira crewing, dominated but racing for places second to sixth was close.

Chris Balding had 10 year old Adriana crewing to finish in second, Paul Smalley had 7 year old Peter crewing to finish 4th, David Edwards had 11 year old Hattie crewing and Phil Smith finished in 6th sailing with 8 year old son Oliver. Top Youths (i.e. U19) were Max Sydenham & Finn Ramus from Hayling Island in 15th place, sailing a Class Association demo boat.

A special prize, for smiling in the face of adversity, went to 16 year old Poppy Luxton & crew Lottie Tregaskes who led around the first windward mark in race 1, subsequently broke their rudder downhaul and sailed the majority of the third lap without a rudder to finish 7th. The rudder could not be repaired afloat, so they missed races 2 & 3. They capsized in race 4 and again in 5, this time breaking their gaff, and were BFD in race 6. They were worthy winners of a P&B voucher and class trophy.

Best U13 boat was Tristan Sellwood & Sam Davies from Restronguet. Youngest crew prize went to 7 year old Peter Smalley in 4th. Youngest helm to complete all races was Torrun Brown age 13 who also won the combined youngest helm and crew prize with 13 year old Murray Oakes. The best team of three boats was very close with Restronguet SC Pirates just edging out Chew Valley Lake SC.

Once again top wooden boat (sporting a gaff rig) was Barney & Willow Smith sailing 69020 'Ida' in 17th and Single hander Steve Bland retained his title finishing in 25th. Winner of the bronze fleet, the category to allow older unmeasured boats to compete, went to Richard and Sophie Trevithick from Whitefriars SC.

Once again we had What HAppened Today? (WHAT?). After everyone was changed and re-fuelled, a post-racing debrief by Chris Balding with input from other sailors. Other after sailing activities included a sandcastle competition - won by a combination team of West Kirby, Leigh Lowton and Whitefriars SC, a BBQ on the balcony and a Mexican theme night with some impressive fancy dress outfits.

Thanks to our headline sponsors Vaikobi and Early Entry Draw sponsors P&B, there were an impressive range of prizes including vouchers, smartphone cases and caps, that were presented by HISC Commodore Andy Partington along with the glassware and class trophies. The 'early entry' draw winners got a spinnaker provided by P&B at the start of the event.

The Nationals next year is scheduled for 1st to 4th June at Brightlingsea SC.

Overall Results:
If you finished in the top ten at the Mirror nationals then enter your Gear Guide information here

PosBoat NameSail NoHelmCrewClubR1R2R3R4R5R6Pts
1stElsa70987Ben McGraneKeira McGraneNetley SC‑2211116
2ndYOLO70810Chris BaldingAdriana BaldingIsland Barn Reservoir44366‑923
3rdVeggiemite Sandwich70785Max PhypersEmma SellwoodRestronguet SC112444‑2525
4thPrimary Cru70964Paul SmalleyPeter SmalleyChew Valley Lake SC‑1231092226
5thDelilah tooo70967David EdwardsHattie EdwardsTata Steel S C31711(DNC)527
6thLamborbeanie71013Phil SmithOliver SmithBassenthwaite SC652‑1410427
7th 71012Andy SmithLily SmithBassenthwaite1171333‑1537
8thTe‑feti70790Huw ReynoldsBethan ReynoldsRestronguet SC5‑9989839
9thRipples70915Chris FullerWill FullerHISC1310145(DNF)345
10thWind Whistler70639Alex TaylorMartha Newstead TaylorLeigh Lowton SC1086‑1715645
11thHype70811Stuart HudsonLizzie HudsonRoyal Lymington YC9‑1818251347
12thBubblegum70584Terry HuntCharlie HuntNetley SC‑151187121149
13thTwinkle toes70739Toby HeppellJosie Rist‑HeppellBrightlingsea SC‑146513141250
14thBamm‑Bamm71014Adam BroughtonArabella BroughtonChew Valley Lake8‑16121081654
15th 70840Max SydenamFinn RamusHISC161311127‑1859
16thMarshmallow 270650Angus ArmstrongIsla ArmstrongWest Kirby Sailing Club171415‑1817770
17thIda69020Barney SmithWillow SmithHRSC/RAFYC/DQSC18(DNF)2119111079
18thSea Glass70499Natasha ArmstrongPoppy ArmstrongWest Kirby Sailing Club‑21191621161486
19thOarsome70945Morgan CrossStephen CrossBrightlingsea SC24152015(DNC)2195
20thDipperforce71007Paul NicholsGabriel NicholsChew Valley lake‑25222316132498
21stBlue70852Karen McIntoshHarrison SmalleyChew Valley Lake20202220(DNC)19101
22ndBlyskawica15563Martin EganFlorence LuxtonRestronguet SC22‑2624231922110
23rdRuby Papa70721John‑Paul MarksClara MarksDalgety Bay Sailing Club231717(DNC)DNC20115
24thVa Va Voom70190Torrunn BrownMurray OakesRestronguet SC2627272220‑30122
25thPeer pressure70714Steve Bland Poole YC‑322528262127127
26thMCA70724Alex BaldingPriti VermaIsland Barn Reservoir(DNF)2430251831128
27thClewless70998Finlay AppletonEmma AppletonBrightlingsea SC27232624(DNC)33133
28th 71011Jarrod SimpsonFinn SimpsonHISC(DNF)2119UFDDNF23139
29thYeti70743Willow CrossTrevor AppletonBrightlingsea SC302825(DNC)DNC32153
30thSquirt70513Ronald VassLevi Woodroffe‑VassReading SC282929(DNC)DNC29153
31stEMILY59254Richard TrevithickSophie TrevithickWhitefriars SC31313127(DNC)34154
32nd 70549Tristan SellwoodSam DaviesRestronguet SC29303228(DNC)35154
33rdBold Forester69667Poppy LuxtonLottie TregaskersRestronguet SC7(DNC)DNCDNCDNFBFD159
34thWave Catcher Too70922Toby WincerMollie WincerHISC19(DNC)DNCDNCDNC26159
35th 70587Leighton KingPenny KingNetly Sc(DNF)DNCDNFDNCDNC17169
36thFlying Saucepan70636Stephen HeppellElodie HeppellBrightlingsea SC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNC28180
37thSurfs Up70972Julie VassTahlia Woodroffe‑VassReading SC(DNC)DNCDNCDNCDNCDNC190

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