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Burnham Week 2022 Day 2

by Sally Harbott 28 Aug 2022 20:20 BST 27 August - 3 September 2022

Another breezy day with all boats getting an excellent foul tide beat down river. MOCRA started from the Pile House first heading off for their first race of the day down to Outer Crouch 1.

Nick Wood in Origami won race one with Triassic, Nigel Stevens taking race two. Origami leads the series two points ahead of Triassic.

Class One had a really tight start heading down to Inner Crouch first. All the fleet dived out of the tide on the North Shore crossing tacks. Jackal got across to the North Shore first with Cezanne and Slipstream. Unfortunately Jackal had to do a 360 penalty turn after a couple of tacks which allowed the fleet to get away from her a little and Exile got into the lead on the water. When dropping their spinnakers at Holliwell before beating back down to Outer Crouch 4, Jackal rounded the mark close behind Exile. However she went in too close to the shore and went aground and the crew leaned out to leeward to help her to get moving again. This allowed Slipstream to catch up and Exile get away further.

Slipstream won on corrected time with Jackal second and Mantra, Phillip Harbott, third. Lizzie Brown leads the weekend on 2 points with Jackal and Mantra both on 5 points.

Class Five headed up the Roach again to Jubilee and then down river. They too took the North Shore to keep out of the tide. The Maxi 1000, Eclipse got into the lead on the water and stayed their taking line honours. Richard Moore in Ophelia was chasing hard along with Grace and Danger. Grace and Danger won on corrected time just fourteen seconds ahead of Daryl Mylroie in Eclipse.

Class Six had a good fleet and most of them started at the pin end taking a long tack over to the North Shore. Otra Vez took the on the water lead with Lucy Lee in hot pursuit. Otra Vez, Andrew Prestwick won by two seconds from Lucy Lee with Voyager third.

The Elites all took the North Shore in both races and Serious Moonlight won both with Roger Martin in Excalibur second in both races. Serious Moonlight, Richard Bavin leads overall on 3 points as their discard has kicked in.

The Dragons sailed down to Inner Crouch and the fleet were split on both shores with two boats opting to take the South Shore for the beat down. Anarchy won, helmed by Chip Cole with Mark Wade in Avalanche second and Ian Gray in Still Crazy third.

The Squib fleet had another general recall and one was disqualified under the U flag rule on the second start of their first race. The fleet also split and several took the South Shore for the beat and many stayed and worked the North Shore tucked right in against the string spring flood. Jono Brown won in King Cnut with Malcolm Hutchings second in Lady Penelope and Spoof, Mickey Wright third. The second race was important as it is really close overall at the top. The second race had another general recall and Rojo sailed by Nick Fisk were disqualified under the U flag rule. Lady Oenelope won the second race with Jono Brown second and Robert Coyle in Humphrey third. Jono Brown leads 4 points ahead of Spoof with Lady Penelope on third on 18 points.

The Sandhoppers had a long course today that took them up the Roach and then down to Inner Crouch back up to Ron Pipe and back down to Inner Crouch.

The RCOD fleet sailed to Ron Pipe, Redward, Ron Pipe, and the bullet was taken by Justin Waples in Cormorant, with Corinna, Martin Makey second.

The RBOD fleet was led round their course by Stephen Herring in Red Jacked with Belinda, Ben Harden and Rory Munro second and Whimbrel, Tye Witchard third. Yesterday's winner Amanda is leading overall after her fifth today, with Whimbrel and Ariel joint second.

The ECODs beat down to Ron Pipe before running back up to Redward and heading down to Ron Pipe again. Wraith won, Jerry Mecoy and Widgeon, Ian Wilson took second and he leads overall. Gigi unfortunately had to retire having gone aground at Holliwell.

The Ospreys had two races from Pile House and enjoyed racing around the Roach area. In race three Plan B Terry Curtis won with Smoke, Roger Blake second.

The dinghies from the Burnham Sailing Club all sailed the same course doing a figure of eight Number 7, Priors, Number 11, West Quay for each lap.

In fast handicap the Sprint 15 Dart sailed Eamonn Browne won race three with Dave Chamberlain in his Streaker taking race 4. Dave Chamberlain leads overall.

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