Barton Regatta 2022 at the Norfolk Punt Club
by Dick Roe 31 Aug 2022 18:14 BST
27-29 August 2022

Barton Regatta 2022 © Giles Bryan
The August bank holiday weekend saw the return of sailing competitors to Barton Broad for the historic Barton Regatta hosted by the Norfolk Punt Club. The perfect sailing conditions and revised format/racing programme attracted 138 boats to enter for the three day event. With the edges of the broad festooned with over 80 competitors and spectators motor boats plus myriad tenders, dinghies, canoes and paddle boards racing got under way at eleven o'clock on the Saturday.
With 30 trophies on offer over 40 races were held in over 15 classes of boat over the 3 days in a north to north easterly breeze which gained in strength from light to fresh over the course of the weekend.
Sunday saw the running of a pursuit race with entries open to any class of dinghy, keelboat or yacht. Boats started individually according to their handicap so that in theory the fleet should all finish simultaneously. With 55 entries the Broad was filled with a cloud of sails and the race team had their work cut out keeping track of who was the leading boat. The overall winner being Chris Bunn sailing his Yare and Bure one design Fox.
Competitors were fuelled by breakfasts served ashore at Barton Turf Activity Centre, then copious quantities of tea cake whilst afloat, with over 1000 cups/slices served!
Saturday evening saw the regatta party held in the boat shed at Coxs boatyard with catering and bar provided by the Neatishead White Horse pub and entertainment from the band Bleaky and the Meerkats.
Sunday evening saw the running of a lighthearted water frolic with a variety of short snappy races held on various types of human powered water craft followed by a hog roast back ashore at Coxs boatshed.
After completion of the racing on Monday the weekend was rounded off with a 'Duck Race' before the regatta prize-giving.
The Regatta committee would like to thank all the volunteers and members of the community who helped make the event possible, The Norfolk Punt Club, Barton Turf Activity Centre, Barton Turf Parish Council, Coxs Boatyard, Snowflakes Sailing Club, Neatishead White Horse and Nelsons County Catering.
Special thanks go to the event sponsors, Jamiesons Property Search, Jeckles Sailmakers, Norfolk Broads Direct and Simpsons Boatyard.
Regatta Trophies were won by the following:
Pursuit Race Trophies
Moore Challenge Cup for the overall winner and Anne Mackintosh Cup for Yare and Bure One Designs, 'Fox' Chris Bunn.
Ant Challenge Cup for boats wintered on the river Ant and Punt Challenge Cup for Norfolk Punts, 'Rushlight' Max Dixey.
Barton Silver Cup for Broads One Designs 'Redshank' Edward Rudd.
Wherry Cup for Yeomans, 'Turnstone' Alistair Drew.
Rogue Tankard for River Cruiser Class, 'Waxwing' Robin Clayton.
Carter Cup for Juniors, 'Lookfar' Ulysses O'Dwyer.
Loynes Challenge Cup for Allcomers, 'Laser Radial' Edward Clifton.
Regatta Series Trophies
Forbes Cup for Norfolk Punts, 'Goldeneye' Dick Roe.
Sundog Challenge Cup for Norfolk Punts, 'Swallow 2' Emma Daniels.
Junior Members Cup for Norfolk Punts, 'Goosander' Henry Drew.
Dinghy trophy for allcomers excluding punts, 'Laser' Charlotte Rudd.
Balholm Salver for allcomers B keelboats, 'Fox' Chris Bunn.
De Quincy Salver for Juniors, 'Jelly Snake' Sonny Simpson.
Sally Webster Trophy for fast allcomers, 'Red Start' Ralph Leftley.
Alec Simpson Trophy for fast allcomers, 'Beagle' Tim Haycock.
Domino Trophy for fast River Cruiser Class, 'Breeze' Matt Ellis.
Pollitt Trophy for slow River Cruiser Class, 'Amarylis' Chris Tucket.
Lycaena Trophy for Yare and Bure One Designs, 'Fox' Chris Bunn.
Puffin Trophy for Broads One Designs, 'Merlin' Richard Whitefoot.
Ali Moore Trophy for Yeomans, 'Turnstone' Alistair Drew.
Waxwing Trophy for allcomers, 'Lookfar' Ulysses O'Dwyer.
Single Race Trophies
Nancy Oldfield Trust dinghy charity race trophy, 'Mako' Aaron Matthews.
Seafarers UK keelboat charity race trophy, 'Fox' Chris Bunn.
Junior Challenge Cup for Juniors, 'Swift' Amelia Daniels.
Barton Broad Challenge Cup for allcomers, 'Fox' Chris Bunn.
Other Trophies
Ramuz Trophy for best dressed yacht, 'Songbird' Jim Rosser.
Loki Challenge Cup for human powered races, Oscar.
Duck Race Trophy, Sam Landamore.