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Zhik PFD - Red

28th Broadland Youth Regatta run by Norfolk & Suffolk Boating Association

by Ben Falat 4 Sep 2022 21:06 BST 3 September 2022
Max Stratford and Olly Jones sense a photo-opportunity while rounding a racing mark - 28th Broadland Youth Regatta © Trish Barnes

The 28th Broadland Youth Regatta, this year hosted by the Waveney and Oulton Broad Yacht Club on behalf of the Norfolk and Suffolk Boating Association (NSBA), was sailed on Oulton Broad on Saturday 3rd September. The event rotates around the larger clubs within The Broads.

54 youth and junior sailors from several Broads clubs took part. There was a wide range of experience and skill levels among the competitors whose ages varied from seven to 18; this for many children would be their first experience of racing at a not-at-home venue.

All four races were sailed in a variable strength and very shifty southerly breeze resulting in capsizes and many close-quarters unpredictable manoeuvres; however glorious sunshine all day was on-order.

Top honours to individuals went to Jack Sisley (Beccles Amateur Sailing Club) sailing his Laser Radial in the Fast Handicap fleet, Emily Hooten (Waveney and Oulton Broad Yacht Club) sailing her RS Tera Sport in the Slow Handicap fleet, Jenson Jakub (Snowflake Sailing Club) in the Topper fleet, and Zoe Barnes (Snowflake Sailing Club) in the Optimist fleet.

The overall inter-club team championship for the Centenary Salver was won by Snowflake Sailing Club of Horning. The Whelpton Cup for the most successful double-handed boat was awarded to Jamie Dobson and Ruby Collins (Waveney and Oulton Broad Yacht Club) sailing a Wanderer.

The Lady Mayhew Trophy for "...endeavour, applying the greatest effort in a spirit of sport, determination and fun...", was awarded to Emily Hooten who won her class in this her first year of helming (without Dad in the boat!).

The day was a memorable event not only for the competitors but also for the many parents, supporters and other spectators thronging the banks and balcony of the host club.

Prizes were presented by "local boy" Joe Drake, age 22, of Oulton Broad. Introducing Joe, Ben Falat, Chairman of the NSBA, highlighted that after first competing at the Broadland Youth Regatta 10 years ago Joe went on to be a member of the national youth squad, and became national youth champion in 2019 in the Olympic Laser class dinghy; then recently he converted to the UK Windsurf Tour placing first in the 2021 Amateur series and now a top competitor in the Pro-series.

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