GBR Cadet World Team Quiz and Auction of Promises
by Neil Collingridge 7 Sep 2022 19:05 BST
10 September 2022

GBR Team pack the GBR Cadets for Melbourne, Australia © Neil Collingridge
This Saturday the Cadet Squadron at Waldringfield SC are holding a Quiz and Auction of Promises to help raise money to send the GBR Cadet World Team to Melbourne, Australia.
Like so many things, shipping rates have gone through the roof, but we committed to sending a team when it was selected in the Spring and that is what we are doing.
The Auction can be attended in person or online at
Thanks to the huge generosity of those who have donated promises. There are some real bargains to be had, so if you'd like to grab a deal and support a group of young sailors attending their World Championships please take a look.