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Crewsaver Spiral 100N

Race Coaching at Weir Wood Sailing Club 2022

by Christopher Hopkins 26 Sep 2022 18:49 BST 24 September 2022
Race Coaching at Weir Wood © Sophie Payne

25 members of Weir Wood SC with ages ranging from 10 to 90 gathered together on Saturday for a day of coaching from RYA Regional Coach Andy Kerr and the club's in-house coaching team.

It was a fine sunny autumn day albeit with a rather shifty northerly wind. The coaches decided to use this to their advantage with the day focussing on a theme of decision-making.

With a diverse range of abilities, ages and classes of boat the morning session the group was split into two: advanced and aspiring advanced sailors.

The initial session was to sharpen boat handling with sailors replacing their tiller extensions with the end of the mainsheet so as to encourage a smooth entry and exit from the tack. After that they paired up with one of the pair going left and the other right to demonstrate how big the difference can be.

As one of the key aims of the day was to bring members together in a convivial atmosphere, a leisurely lunch was enjoyed in the galley. Sadly this was a swansong for Wych's Kitchen who have looked after us through a very difficult few years and leave us after the 2000 Inland Championships. We wish Darren and Luke all the best in their new careers.

For the afternoon everyone joined in as one group with a split start line where one partner dictates the end to start while their mate goes to the other end. Alex in his Aero complained bitterly about being given the left side when right was favoured only for everyone on the left to pick up a massive lift and gust taking them to the windward mark way ahead of the rest.

The day wrapped up with a windward-leeward where sailors had to sail outside the starting gate on the downwind leg forcing them to decide which was the better route downwind.

The final debrief in the clubhouse was accompanied by tea and cakes. Overall a great day much enjoyed by both participants and coaches alike.

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