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SORC Hayling Bay Weekend 2022, Inshore Races 8 & 9

by Kirsteen Donaldson 8 Oct 2022 13:49 BST 1-2 October 2022

The weather gods planned something for everyone last weekend, and some weather for no-one. The first challenge was getting to the starting area.

On Pyxis, I took the option of motoring to Gunwharf Quay on the Friday morning, arriving single-handed at an unfamiliar marina with a strengthening wind and imminent gale warning unable to obtain a response on VHF or telephone. Selecting the only visible but very exposed berth, I tied up briefly to find that the harbour master was dealing with a man overboard from another vessel, a good reason for ignoring my calls. The SORC boats were assigned a rather more sheltered berth directly under the blue lights of the Spinnaker Tower.

As a number of other competitors were taking the second option of going directly to the start line on Saturday after the gale had blown through, the Race Officer thoughtfully gave notice of a 1 hour postponement to the start. Saturday morning dawned dry with the wind from the west allowing a windward-leeward course with a short beat, a long run out into Hayling Bay, and a beat and reach back to the finish. The breeze still being fresh, and forecast to stay that way, reefs and small headsails were the order of the day.

As an additional challenge for the start, another fleet was using our ODM as a turning mark, but racing rules and seamanship prevailed and no harm was done. Reefs were gradually shaken out during the downwind leg. Whilst most were thinking that they really ought to put a kite up but fearful that the (unforecast) lull was temporary and hoping that no-one would do it, Kit Off showed us how it is done. Yet our suspicions about the wind proved right as it built back up to 25 knots for the reach to the finish. On Saturday night the lights from the Spinnaker Tower turned us into a red light district.

As they say, Sunday was another day, the forecast being heavy rain with 5 knots or less of wind from any direction between north and south. Today's starting challenge was a fishing boat moored to the ODM, which prudently moved away before the start signal. The Race Officer had set a square course, confident that somewhere in the square we would encounter every wind angle and, with enough wind to start the race, left it up to us to work out where, whilst he went dry out. And so it proved, Pyxis track perhaps showing more resemblance to the Gay Gordon's (4 steps forward, 4 steps back, twirl around a bit, repeat) than a race course. At least the tide swept her clear of the big red navigation mark before the next forward stretch.

In response to a question 'When is the wind due to build?' a quick look at Windy confirmed the answer 'Tomorrow'. Yet Roxanne and Kit Off found a puff to disappear into the distance whilst Pyxis waited for the rest of the fleet. Other vessels around were cautious.

Then the rain stopped, the sun appeared, and Pyxis' cockpit turned into a drying rack, with room to spread out wet sail bags and clothing to dry. And the wind 'picked up' to nearer 5 knots than 0.5 knots, allowing a gentle spinnaker run for the last two legs. Finished!

Full race results at

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