Final call for 2022 Portsmouth Yardstick submissions
by RYA Racing Department 9 Dec 2022 10:44 GMT

Yorkshire Dales Brass Monkey © Tim Olin /
The RYA is urging clubs to submit their 2022 Portsmouth Yardstick (PY) data so it can ensure the handicap system is as accurate as possible for the 2023 racing season.
The PY handicap system is run jointly by the RYA and its affiliated clubs to allow sailors to race different boats against each other fairly.
This year is the 70th anniversary of the scheme, which was invented by Stanley 'Sinbad' Milledge at Langstone Sailing Club in Portsmouth.
At the end of each year, clubs submit their results data to the RYA which collates and analyses it then adjusts PY numbers accordingly. The more data received, the more accurate the PY numbers will be.
Clubs and classes are now being urged to submit their data via the revamped so that the RYA can ensure numbers are as accurate as possible for 2023.
PY numbers have remained frozen for the past two years due to the impact of Covid-19 on racing, but it's hoped that an influx of submissions this year will allow for the numbers to be updated.
The deadline for 2022 submissions is December 20. The revised PY numbers will be released at the RYA Dinghy and Watersports Show in February 2023.
Adam Parry, technical manager at the RYA, said: "As we celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Portsmouth Yardstick scheme it would be great if this year was one of our largest returns showing how strong our clubs and classes are after a turbulent 2020 and 2021.
"Understandably there was far less racing in 2020 and 2021 which led us to our decision to freeze the PY numbers for a year.
"The new PY Online website makes it easier than ever before to submit data, and we are hoping that this year we can have enough data to help update numbers and help clubs create fairer racing for their members."
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