John Reed retires as Secretary of WSSR Council
by World Sailing Speed Record Council 4 Mar 2023 18:37 GMT

John Reed and Simon Forbes © WSSRC
The World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC) announces the retirement of John Reed as the Secretary of the Council.
The WSSRC was established in 1972 to provide impartial results for increasing numbers of claims by high speed sailing craft and since 1988, offshore sailing records.
John Reed has been the secretary of the WSSR Council for 50 years.
John's term of office has seen the introduction of windsurfers and kite surfers and the outright record climb from the 26.3 knots of 'Crossbow' to 65.45 knots set by Paul Larsen's 'Vestas Sailrocket 2'. Offshore records have also seen remarkable changes with the times for Round the World and Transatlantic reduced by half.
WSSRC Chairman Claude Breton paid tribute: "John Reed has undertaken a remarkable task for WSSRC over 50 years and I wish him well in his retirement as he celebrates his 91st birthday next week. However, I am grateful that John has agreed to continue to give continuity and guidance as a member of the WSSR Council."
The WSSR Council have appointed Simon Forbes as the new Secretary, effective 1st March.